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Hiiiiiiiii. Heyyyyyyy.

I know I said I would be back "soon" (hahahahahahahahahahahaha) but it turns out that you can't just 'plan' to get rid of depression. :) Who knew?!

That said, hopefully you've gotten the notification already but if not, heads up that I have paused rewards for June, as compensation for my absence the past few weeks. I do honestly hope and will do my damn hardest to fulfill all the tier rewards for this month, so it's more of a retroactive pause, but I just wanted to let you all know what's up.

I still feel so extremely guilty and ashamed of letting you all down for my disappearance. You've all been so magnanimously forgiving and supportive to me that I honestly still am feeling like I don't deserve it all. Still, I wanted to make sure that I still do right by my own values despite all these negative thoughts swirling about my head.

Your understanding and support is invaluable to me and I seriously, sincerely, <insert synonymous adverb> appreciate it so much. It really has helped me get through dark and tumultuous times. I can only hope that this does not sour your thoughts or opinions of me as a person, though I won't blame you if it does.

Regardless, thank you all, once again. For being here with me. For just being. For everything. 💖



Sometimes you've just got take a break! It's okay.