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Hello. It has been a while, hasn't it?

I am so sincerely and truly sorry for my sudden disappearance for the last few weeks. Unsurprisingly, I had been in a shitty place. But thanks to you all, and all the people in my life who are there to support me through this, I'm getting back to a place where I feel I can function again. 

I feel absolutely awful thinking that I've let everybody down and disappointed you all. I wish that I had a way to make up for it but I just don't know if there is a way. Even though I would never, ever tell anybody else they need to, had they been through what I had, it's always easier to forgive others and have compassion toward them than myself. And even though, once again, I would never expect to be owed an explanation from someone else, I want to give one because I feel like you deserve one.

➡️ Extra-Strength Ramblings 

Of course, you don't have to read this. But if you do, I will be eternally grateful. Even if you don't, I'm still eternally grateful to each and every one of you.

Thank you for being my rope.



Grey, my dear sweet Friend, I know where you are is hard and that pit is all too familiar to me. It is why I sit here with the rope tied tightly to me. I want you to know that you have an anchor ready to support you on your journey out of the pit. I also know that the climb back up can seem really far away and that can be scary, so I want you to know that it doesn't have to be, the pit is only as deep as you let it be. So rain or shine, I am patiently waiting for you, wherever you feel ready. I will be here. Sending you loads of love ❤️