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So far this has been a REALLY fun project to work on. As you may know, action isn't really my genre. My genre is more casual, wholesome hyper cuddling... X3c so to prepare for this comic I spent a lot of time reading and studying action and pokemon mangas to hopefully get that authentic flare! 

That's my little bit of  advice for today. As an artist you always want to be building your internal visual library. Looking up professionally done works and seeing what you can learn from them, picking out what you like and adding it to your reservoir of learned visual elements. Always be assimilating as much good art as you can ! <3 <3

On to the main character, there was another fun little design challenge. Being a pokemon parody comic I first had to design a fakemon to base my anthropomorphized character to be based OFF of. Canonically she will be at that awkward middle evolutionary stage. So she turned out to be some sort of electric/fire charmeleon-esque /blakizen chicken thing!

Anyway look out for the pages to be coming in hot just as soon as I can get them nice and finished up! <3 



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