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Welcome all and thanks once again for sticking around to see yet another kinky comic adventure come to life! We had an intense voting round this month, an EXTREMELY close head to head race between too comic ideas! Never fear though, old ideas always have another chance to get in on the next voting round!

But without any further ado, let's find out which kinky comic idea we'll be drawing up this month! Drumroll please! *drumming on tiddies intensifies*  DRDRDRDRRRRRRDRDRDRDRDRDRDRRRRRR!!!!!


Poket Momsters~

A trainer of large anthropomorphic battle-monsters finally graduates and gets his starter, a large female fire chicken... Who's a little larger than he is, height wise, and... let's just say, generously endowed in the departments of breast, rear, and feet~ With each level, she grows larger and larger, with each evolution leading to an *exponential* growth of all mentioned aspects~

(Extreme Hyper Breasts, Rear, and Feet/Footpaws, Macro~)


Looks like we got some thicc, milfy MMA fighters going at it in this off-brand pokemon parody adventure!

If you're in the HD/Planning Tier go check out the "Planning Committee thread"  and help pitch some ideas  on what you'd like to see out of it!

One again, love you all, have a great week and I hope you enjoy the upcoming comic!! <3


Shiny Umbreon

For anyone else who voted Island Escape, we tried. Never stop believing!


Fire chicken, hyper breasts, feet and rear, you got my attention ^^