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Hello campers! I really went and outdid myself this time. I really wanted to give this one an authentic manga flare so I put my all into the design and planning stages. Hopefully the effort paid off and you enjoy the upcoming pages! 

Plan for now is to carry this one's production over until next month with "12" pages (six double sides entries)  in total.


Thank you all for your patience. This past week has been pretty rough on my stomach. I've actually had this page fully inked for a while but for the past five or so days I was doubled over in pain, stuck in bed unable to finish it. I managed to talk to my doctor who is familiar with my ongoing stomach issues. He's certain it's IBS and anxiety and has set me up with both some therapy sessions already and a gastroenterologist. So don't worry about me! I'll be being looked at and prodded from the inside out. X3c 

Thanks to some meditative techniques, a strict frozen cabbage and ginger smoothie diet and lots of bedrest I feel loads better than several days ago. Though I can still feel that clenching, gnawing feeling on my tummy when I don't have my anxiety under control. Definitely forward momentum on the health front though, despite the still-chronic tummy troubles. Just in case anybody was concerned. ^^

Love you all and oh! I REALLY hope you enjoyed the comic so far! If you did! Tell me about it! <=3c






Should have printed it and scanned it again for even more authenticity.


Looks like Camilla has finally met her match! 😅


is there gonna any foot/Paw growth in it?


Pure excellence! Glad to hear your doing better.

Night Akula

I also suffer from IBS, I feel your pain.


Have you tried any CBD capsules / oil for the anxiety? It helps take the edge off for me at least, and many others I know. ^^ Brilliant work on the comic too!


So hard to figure out who to root for! Growing ladies means everybody wins!


I love the manga look your using here! I even read it the wrong way first...

Shiny Umbreon

This is a legendary increase in production quality, good lord

Hell Ray

Aww Poor snek and cow taur. Rest those coils and udder.

Xarnak Ansar

This is STELLAR work! Seriously, I can tell you studied hard. And it’s definitely paying off. Also hope you take care of yourself. Art’s great, but your health comes first. We love you and want the best for you. ❤️

Woynich Fermat

this looks like a promising start!


THANK YOU SO MUCH DARLING! I'm not entirely used to doing action but I tried my best ^^


Thank you darling, every day has been better than the last and I'm aiming to keep it that way.


*snugs on hard* I've been binge listening to these meditation videos when my reflux gets bad. I highly recommend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmMd5hqh9Bk


I haven't officially tried those yet but I have been self medicating on CBD/THC products X3c


Oh oops! I never even considered that may be a reflex for long time manga readers.... ^^;; But thank you very much! &lt;3


Oh goodness, that's incredibly high praise! I certainly busted my butt trying to make it my best page yet. I'm hoping to keep topping myself! ^^;


Awww hun you bless me with kind praise. Don't worry I rested up well and looked after myself and tended to my tummy until I was well enough to continue ^^

Max Kennedy

Wow! Such Powerful Effort! Fantastic Comic! Can't wait to see more of this 12 page adventure!! OwO You really have Outdone Yourself with Flying Hyper Colours~! We're very proud of You! Also I'm very happy and glad to hear you're feeling better. *Kisses Your Hyper Cowolf Tummy* &gt;3&gt;~❤