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Hi folks!

I am so sorry for the long absence. I started yet another new job over the summer, so I've been juggling two jobs, Kickstarter fulfillment, and working on the new graphic novel. 

But since it's been so long, I've got lots of news...

1. Kickstarter stuff: The books have arrived!!

We've got everything else ready too -- prints, comics, bookmarks, and stickers -- so now we're packing and shipping like mad. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I'm still clinging to the hope that anyone who ordered a book as a Christmas present will have it in time! 

Even the felted crows are almost done--check these little cuties out:

2. Puzzling Fate of Millicent Graves: UGH. My publisher would plotz if they saw how slowly it's progressing. Sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat and lay there imagining having to pay back my advance. 

But the script is *finally* through the copyediting stage, and now I'm sketching out the full book. It's slooooow going. I'm so used to my usual way of working where I sketch, ink, and color one chapter at a time. Laying out 212 pages in one fell swoop is rough!

Here's a look at some thumbnail sketches:

3. Patreon rewards: UGH PART TWO. I am woefully behind here. I'm so sorry if you've pledged at tier that comes with an ATC, comic, or bookmark and you haven't received it yet. 

I *finally* sat down and got my tracking spreadsheet up to date & have a list of people who are owed a thank-you in the mail. I'll be shipping those out along with the Kickstarter stuff. Keep an eye on your mailbox, and feel free to message me if you want to make sure I've got you on my list :)

4. Patron Kickstarter bonuses: I haven't forgotten about this! I have a special digital bonus for all patrons who chipped in to the Kickstarter which I'll be sending via Kickstarter messages today. 

If you don't see a message with the digital bonus today and you contributed to the Kickstarter, comment below or message me and let me know I missed you!

Hope you're all doing well!


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