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Hi all,

Apologies I didn't manage to give you a preview of these last few pages. My perfectionism was raging out of control because of being so close to the end...I just couldn't get myself to stop tinkering.

Then when I *finally* thought I was done last night, my husband helpfully (*grr*) pointed out a perspective problem that made me have to redo a whole panel, which had a cascading effect that made me redo several more panels. SIGH. 

Anyway, here we are at the end! (For now.) It's bittersweet, but I have to say I'm a bit relieved to have one thing off my plate! 

I'm also super excited to start working on Book Two as soon as I can. But first things first: I REALLY need to get cracking on THE PUZZLING FATE OF MILLICENT GRAVES! I'm waaay behind schedule, and I suspect publishers probably expect you to, ya know, *work* on stuff when you're under contract :) 

As always, thanks to each and every one of you for your support, your comments, and all the enthusiasm you've shown for this project. Knowing you were reading and caring has helped buoy me up when I felt overwhelmed at the thought of completing all 159 pages of this monster. 

And I hope you'll stick around, because although I won't have Ninecrow preview pages for a while, you'll still be the first to know as soon as I have progress to report on the sequel. I'll also be posting behind-the-scenes looks at PUZZLING FATE, plus Crooked Mile sneak peeks will be returning soon too! 

Stay tuned :)
