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Hey everyone!

(edit: holy crap do I need to find some new way to greet people! xD)

So it occurs to me I've been quiet lately and not informed people of why on here! 

My sincere apologies, after everything blew up I was so busy with the Discord server and getting my head around things that I defaulted to Discord stuff to talk to people while I worked to get 0.05 up ASAP; that work is still going on, very well in fact now that I'm down to earth again! 

I hope to get it to everyone in the next few days if I can iron everything out, I want to make this one a more complete release and fix issues that have been plaguing it in favor of a wealth of new content; there are a couple of new things to try out though, but I'll save that for the release! I am afraid to say no adult animations just yet though, I plan to get right on those soon as this version is out  and include them in the next. As you can imagine they take up the most time of all the animations with the amount of frames I have to draw, but I hope by the end of it they'll have been worth a bit of a wait.

Anyway, on to the reward having bit, my apologies to you as well for not getting to all of you yet and getting your ideas down, saying hi, all that stuff; same excuse I know but so much happened at once, it didn't even occur to me that I hadn't directly addressed people in that time! So here we are now; my plan is, after 0.05 is up, I'm going to go through everyone chronologically from when you signed up to support me and message, catch you on discord, which ever you'd prefer, to say hello and get down the details for what you'd like; after that's finished I will begin work in earnest to get those out to people ASAP without impacting the workload too much; I figure if I end up not working on the game because I'm working on a thank you for your interest in me working on it, something's gone a bit wrong xD  

But, I will certainly be working on them and getting them out to you soon as they're up to standard; in the mean time I'm continuing to polish the game up for a near release, with luck there'll be some notable improvements to see!

In other news I got the first month's transfer through and my mind was re-blown xD I can walk down the street with pride now, frightening people wherever I go! Thank you all again for the support you've shown me in making this, I hope to continue to fulfil your faith in me and deliver a game to remember; and I get paid for this? What's happening to my reality? Whatever it is I love it, and I am eternally grateful! 

Watch this space for that update, working hard as I can soon as I stop typing!


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