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Hey everyone!

Well, it's been quite the few days! as I write this we're up to $491 a month from $71 just a week ago! I think its safe to say the popularity of it has exploded somewhat!

I'm beyond words, really; it was difficult enough to articulate myself in the previous 'we broke $100!' milestone, considering that doubled in the time it took me to sleep one night almost! 

I've never seen this much income in my life, let alone everyone taking an interest and joining up with the discord and such; thanks to the efforts of a few people, you know you who are you marvelous bastards, a couple of the sex animations even made their way onto the popular board of e621! 

To everyone that's joined us in the last week, thank you so much for the support; this all feels like some dream I'm going to wake up from, yet despite the arm pinching it continues and it's... it's beyond anything I could use language to convey, thank you.

And to everyone that's been with me beforehand when this was a comparatively small project, without you guys I don't think I'd be writing this now or even carrying on work with it anymore; whenever I'd get worried whether I was making a poor decision devoting my time to this I looked to all of you and your belief in me, and even when I didn't believe it myself I carried on because there were others that did; I'll make sure to repay you all by continuing to work hard as I can to complete all of it, and I'll never forget the kindness you showed to me by taking a risk on a small crowd-funding project ^^

Also to those who've put in higher tiered donations that include rewards and such, again my deepest thanks you'd be so generous, I hope you guys can forgive a bit of time needed before I can work my way through the explosion of rewards now at my feet; it's my constant and sincerest pleasure to do them and be able to thank you all properly, but I thought it'd be the cruelest irony that I stop development on the game entirely to focus on the rewards people get for funding the development of the game xD

For now I'll be going back through the list of people that have contributed and noting your names down in chronological order so I don't end up screwing something up; a lofty goal but you never know, I might play against character for once! And of course, carrying on work for the game ^^

If you'd like some more incremental updates on work in progress pictures and general talk about the game, don't hesitate to stop by the Discord server if you haven't already; nothing's on there that I'll be gating off to non-paying people, I want to keep everything as open as I can, but with the nature of it it's much easier and more informal for me to post stuff there, as well as updating the blog here ^^

Thanks again everyone, back to work with me! 



I just joined today. First with a $1 patronage, but I do not exclude to give more if the game goes the right way. I found your patreon through the animations as well, and I must say that they are really enticing. I'm glad that everything seems to go fine for now, and I hope that it will go even better. Good luck to you and your game. I can't wait to see your progress :-)


Wanted to say, but when I saw your animations on e and looked at your Patreon, it blew my mind how little patreons you have for your quality. Like its only a few animations but they are greatly on par with some of the higher quality ACT games I've seen. If you keep up the quality and keep making progress I'm sure this is going to be an excellent game. You need to keep advertising ;)


Good to see your work is finally getting the recognition. Seems a few people have mentioned this game on other sites and this might have been part of the boost. Guess I will have to see about doing that slight rise in funding. Sincrely, Mr. 2.43


thanks so much man! sorry for the late reply ,quite a whirlwind lately as you can imagine! Back to work now though, hoping to get a new stable out for everyone ASAP ^^


Thanks man, yeah this is clear proof that I'm terrible at marketing xD Everyone else is really responsible for the increase now, blows my mind sometimes the kindness of people ^^