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It's here!

So after a few false starts and many bug tests and such, I decided to stop fixing up every little thing and just release it on here so I can start working on new content rather than patching things up; they'll get patched up eventually but I'd rather give you all a new animation or two for the next numeric update ^^



EDIT: so it appears the link doesn't want to play nicely, I'm afraid you'll have to copy the above into your search bar to get it to work, sorry about that!

Anyway, I tried to include a readme file in the zip but when I try and re-do it becomes a .rar and rather than deal with winzip for the moment I thought I'd post it and the changelog here:



I just wanted to say before getting to the additions/fixes that this update does NOT contain any new 18+ content I'm afraid,

so if you look around for new stuff you'll be out of luck for now! The next update should make up for that though I hope ;)

If you've played 0.04 it won't be that functionally different; despite the lack of 18+ material this time there is a new enemy

however, and a new block feature I've tried to set up; press C to block incoming attacks now!

Other than that various bugs and annoyances have been fixed or attemptedly fixed, and I hope that overall this will provide a

much more stable experience for people to get a look at what I intend for the game. Now that this is out I can focus on 

content addition and animations!

So thanks very much for playing, keep tuned in for more updates either on Discord where you can come say hi, or the Patreon

page where I'll be updating regularly as I can!

Have fun,


- C to Block

- Punch combo moved to 2 punches; still buggy, pressing Z twice at the right tempo will cause a combo attack; if you get stuck

press the C key or jump, or something of that nature xD

-Pause Menu implemented properly, press ESC to bring up Amber's phone AKA the pause screen

-Fullscreen mode now available

- Dynamic screen sizing, AKA drag on the window to your heart's content!

-New Enemy, L1M2, the 'tutorial enemy'; 2 attacks implemented, text intro

-Fixed various enemy AI problems, though a few remain of course

-Fixed hitboxes in most circumstances

-New KO animation for Amber becoming infected, triggerable by losing to the Golden Retriever's sneeze attack! (no CG yet)

- Myriad improvements and tweak to help with stability

- Fixed issue that causes game crash with a log that has 'Light Controller' listed in it

- Game now pauses automatically when the window loses focus to another or is minimized

- Music can now be turned on or off via the pause menu

-There's more besides but I can't quite recall currently, those are the main ones though

Hope everyone enjoys it, let me know of bugs or opinions or suggestions, and why not pop over to the discord server while you're at it? Huge thanks to the fellows over on there for their bugchecking and tireless efforts to help me out and get some nasty stuff fixed! 

And thanks to you too, I realise this isn't the most content filled expansion but I hope it shows my dedication to continuing to make this a fun game as well as a fun... experience ;)


Matthew Wensink

Well the link seems to not work


really? that's weird, It's opening up just fine with my browser; did you highlight all of it and copy it to the top bar? for some reason half the link doesnt hyperlink up, I'll have to mention that

Pedro Trezzi

same here not working also, never mind some reason it fully up working as i gonna try the game now thanks <3


I can't upload the file.


The file is not available


Have to copy text not link and works fine. Only bug i've seen so far is when you get attacked by dog there's a chance of either getting locked in a loop animation you can't break from or he'll initiate animation for struggle but hit you a few times.


There seems to be a glitch when the pharmacist grabs you and you get free you` will just slide of screen and pressing R does not help. Also the tutorial guy seems to sometimes face the wrong direction.


Thanks for the heads up dude, apologies for some reason Mega doesn't seem the most reliable for this stuff!


Yeah same foor me


Keep getting an error where the text for where the main character is meant to be dialoging appears WAY outside the box and way too small too read


The download link, copying it to the search bar hasn't worked at all. It says it has been removed.