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Hey everyone!

Yep, we're up to 25 whole Patrons now! I can scarcely believe it but already, in this very short amount of time, the support from everyone has been staggering!

So thank you, each and every one of you; I understand it is quite a gamble to turn some money per month over to a person claiming to make a video game and all that, nowadays especially, and as you can imagine it's times like these early beginnings where on my end, I really had to have faith that people would try it out and like it enough to want to contribute (not to mention that whole 'work on the game' part of it); if it hadn't been for this response and this support I may have thrown my arms up and said screw it, but each day  I get someone new sending their belief in my efforts and their support to that effect, not only does it make my day every goddamn time but it cements further and further my wish to work on this game hard as I can, continue to go at it non-stop, and make sure everyone has a product at the end of it with dedication put in. And some sex too. Well, more than some.

At this rate, with luck I can finally make some form of decent income in my life; enough to keep myself going, keep myself comfortable and cozy in my little space, so I can carry on doing what I love;  making games and writing occasional horrible blogs!

Anyway, with that soppiness out of the way I wanted to show everyone some of the progress made in the game, seeing as it's really nice and easy to add pictures on this.

First up, here's a couple WIP animations for the new enemy (SFW)

( still looks quite stiff but the basics are there)

(the drop will be a bit more forceful in the final one)

(yes, he is in fact sneezing!)

There we go! As you can see the new enemy has a rather strange attack; seems the slight snort of gas he inhaled has tickled his nose something awful; better not get in the way of it, sneezing on someone is a good way to spread infections!

Headbutting a passerby with the sneeze too is a problem this drunken dog will own up to with a quick incapacitation no doubt! right? :P

Work on the sex animations for him continues, doing the first one now, there's going to be a breast/nipple focus on this one seeing as I haven't really made use of Amber's generous assets just yet!

One last thing that I enjoyed making and is now in the game as the pause menu:

That'll pop up when you want to pause; you wouldn't believe how circuitous it is to have a pause screen that simply pauses the screen, but c'est la vie, I like my workaround for the time being ^^

That's about it for today's update, more on the way soon as I tinker about here and there; with luck I'll be able to show off that adult animation soon ^^ 

Hope everyone's having a great day, and if you'd forgotten from the earlier section THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE YOU'RE AMAZING OH MAH GOD~



Glad to see you're gaining more support! Keep our fingers crossed that more roll in.


Do you plan on making a discord? I know Patreon has Discord intergration