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Hey everyone,

So a quick update for you all, last night I went ahead and bought Game Maker 2 using the funds from Patreon! My first actual business expense of sorts! Or at least my first big use of the donations; I was helped in part by a user who'll remain anonymous at their request, but yes I am now the proud owner of Game Maker 2!

For those who aren't familiar, I've been using Game Maker 1 since starting the game and it's what I've been learning how to code with, how I set the levels up, everything bar the making of assets runs through GM.

But after a few people made mention of it, I took a look at the improvements of 2 and I'm glad to say they've seemingly fixed everything I disliked about the old one, everything that caused me unnecessary hassle like not being able to select objects under other objects in the level editor, so you'd have to drag the things atop it away to access it; that's why some of the level's tiles or objects change or look weird sometimes for the most part, it's the hassle of dragging them back and forth for testing purposes xD

But no more! This really feels like a BIG upgrade, something that will allow me to put in more work without getting into a load of gumption traps that irritated me to no end; ever had up like 25 seperate code windows just free floating and need to find one about 10 back? -shudders- but again, fixed now so I am a very happy lizard indeed ^^

And of course I should mention, you can import GM1 projects into GM2, and everything appears to have migrated just fine!  I'll be putting out a hotfix for those ever present foolish moves I make like the duplicate Amber bug that's appeared as a result of my carelessness, but I'll be taking some time getting used to this new program while I do so, so apologies for any delay there.

So yes, things will be improving a lot in making the game, barely a day's gone by and it's like a dream already so I can't wait to get used to it, and of course without the support from everyone I wouldn't have been able to get this and still be stuck with GM1 and all its woes; they were stopping support for it soon too so it really couldn't have come at a better time that I do this!

Hope everyone's happy with the news, look forward to more from here now that I'm not spending hours untangling webs of annoyance, and I'll no  doubt see you all soon ^^


