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Howdy everyone!

So I've made a discord server at the suggestion of one of the backers whom I don't know is appropriate to name in a post coz I haven't asked them prior, but thank you very much for the suggestion ^^ 

You can find it here:


Hopefully anyway! 

This is, I think, open only to people with the invite and all of these posts have to be patron only what with the sultry nature of the game, so you guys will be the only ones with the info initially ^^

Please do invite people if you'd like though, it isn't by any means private though I thought I'd keep it to patrons only to tell for now, just to see who's interested and what they think; I could do with a bit of advice on that actually, I'm not familiar with discord really (if you hadn't guessed yet) so if anyone's got any cool ideas let me know! Either send me a note or an email, or join the server!

That's about it really; to everyone interested in taking a look, I apologise in advance if I don't reply right away; now that I'm doing this channel I should hopefully be more with it when it comes to the little flashing desktop lights at the bottom there but you'd be amazed at how often I miss them or click them intending to respond and get distracted! 

Hope everyone's having a nice day, spring is finally here in the UK and the sun is pouring in finally ^^ A portent of a good year to come, I hope!

Hope to be speaking to some of you on the server soon!



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