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 Hey everyone!

So, turns out I'm not dead; all things considered this is quite a plus,  and since it's a day of romance and caring I thought I'd get everything  as best tied up as I can and show you some of the progress I've made!

Here's the link:


So, far as new stuff goes:

-Added Female Enemy (L1F1)
-Added Pharmacy area
-Added interactive vending machine
-Added some sound effects
-Added Underground rooms

- Changed sprites for the dog's floored sex animation
- Changed code for Kicking and Punching
- Changed layout of level to make it less compact

There's lots of other smaller things and probably some stuff I've forgotten, but give it a go and take a look for yourselves ^^

Oh and I only NOW realise I've uploaded a version with the hitbox for the Kick animation still visible... *sigh*

Well in a few days I'll be putting up a hotfix, soon as I've made some  progress with the sketches and sprites for all of my lovely backers on  Patreon!


A couple of things to note with this demo; I haven't worked on the Menu  system to include a sound effects and music volume bar yet, mostly with  the focus on the new female enemy I just didn't look into it properly!  Also, seeing as I'm apparently running an old or 'diet' sort of Game  Maker, I can only have one audio channel, I think! So I'm going to have  to find a way to be able to mute sound without music, music without  sound, etc etc. And I figured it was a better thing for me to show off  the work I had done rather than wait another month to get that done.

Speaking of which, I do apologise everyone, I know it's been quite a  while since anything concrete; my way of making this thing is so  scattershot sometimes there's 5 or 6 errors that I'll 'just get sorted  real quick' that turn into weeks of new invented problems and such; I'm  sure it's become evident I'm not the most organized of people, but at  least I can show everyone I've been doing cool things in the interim ^^

There's probably a lot I've forgotten but I won't prattle on too long,  hope everyone enjoys and that it's not -too- riddled with bugs; remember  this is really more of a 'look what I did!' rather than a 'look how  well I did it!' sorta deal right now XD

That's it I think; the Pharmacy right at the start is the new area that  you'll be able to find the new enemy in, and beyond that I added some  stuff to make it more like a level/game.

Any comments or questions, suggestions, what ever you want, I'm happy to hear!

And also happy valentines everyone, hope the day went the best a day like that can go for you!                     


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