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Hey everyone,

So in the interests of keeping you all updated and such I wanted to outline a couple of things that have happened to me recently and the subsequent effect it's had on my work; I won't go into any real detail to keep things business-y but everyone deserves to know what's going on I think.

The first issue that occurred was my father's impending heart operation, which is causing a fair degree of concern for the family as you can imagine; the next issue was an incident that occured with my room-mate that has escalated into a situation whereupon a 12 year friendship has now evaporated, which has also been a hard situation to deal with.

I've been getting work done during this time, and in fact the previous update was released sort of in the midst of the first problem rearing up, so I'm confident that I can continue work on the game and rewards and such; the process actually helps me keep calm and zone out so it is certainly helpful!

So I guess what I want to convey with this is that things have gotten kind of tough at the moment where I am but I'm refusing to let it stop me from doing what I love, but if I'm quiet (even more than usual) between updates and such,  I want to let you know I'm still working and still doing things.

The support I've recieved from everyone has been instrumental in my keeping it together and plowing on with work, so I want to thank you for that too; seriously, even I did not believe what a positive and reassuring force it is when I'm feeling overwhelmed to look at all of your support and help, but when I look around and see it all it picks me right back up again. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

That's about it for now, as I say I wanted to make sure everyone knew what was going on and I hope this has accomplished that; right now work is focusing on the second sprite animation and the game over illustrations for the pharmacy worker,  and when at least the illustrations are done I'll put them into a hotfix version to clear up some of the game breaking bugs people have had to endure! 

Hope everyone has a good day, thanks again for the support and for reading my inane ramblings, keep an eye out for that hotfix which, now that the fallout of problem two is settling, should be on the way soon!



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