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Hey there!

So I wanted to ask, seeing as I'm pretty sure most if not all of you lovely people have found the site via FurAffinity or ULMF, whether you would still check this for updates or whether you would go to my updates on either of those sites to check the game's progress?

I'm sure everyone's noticed the relative lack of content on here compared to either of those two, and while that's partly because I've not got anything massive to show off yet or anything particularly 'patron only', it's also because I'm much more used to posting on the other sites and getting feedback there.

I guess my question really boils down to 'should I mirror each update I make on those two sites on here as well?' like smaller progress reports and other such things, or would you have already read it on another site by then anyway?

Thanks everyone, your support is keeping me very opitimistic about everything!


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