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It's out! If you want to know what's changed, definitely read the Changelog at the start of the demo, and if you want to know what's coming up, then check out the screen after that!

And here's the demo link;


Looking for more demos of the game? Go here:

Want to know why all the demos are standalone levels? Go here:

Trying to run the game on OSx? Go here:




any tips to how defeat that Celadost King? I can't even reach him with shots, and hitting his bubbles do NOTHING no matter what the ??? says, the timing never make him summon a bubble during casting the light pilar thing!


Jump into one of his bubbles when he's in the beam of light; the icicle he summons to fall down that beam of light will hit him, instead :P


well, if this is the last demo i dont understand why i get a black screen on start up


The previous demo works fine But this demo does not let me get into normal or easy


What happens when you try to run it? Do you mean it doesn't run at all for you, or pressing X/Z doesn't let you pick easy/normal mode, or something else?


When I have to choose the difficulty An error appears I can not enter the game


So what can I do?


Do you plan on doing threesome with 2 different species ?


So it looks like you're not the only one to have this problem, and prior builds didn't have it, so I'm assuming it's something regarding the new stuff we've added, but yeah, we'll fix it ASAP and I'll make a post about it as soon as it's fixed too (should be less than 24 hours).


For the current game no, but once we've finished the core game, we might add animations like that as extra polish to the game (it wouldn't be DLC or cost anything extra, of course).


I managed to defeat the ice boss after so many attempt :'D


for those of us who just recently started pledging (as I forgot that patreon was a thing) is there a way for us to play older demos? also when is the full game planned on being released? I'll also mention this game to a couple friends as they are way more into the hentai stuff than I am.


Yep! You can click the "demo" featured tag on the left to go to all prior demo releases (anything prior to that is generally something with practically no content or the Newgrounds Public Demo for the Fire Level has it covered). The full game should ideally be done sometime around August 2018, if all goes well. We've got the Electric Level, Earth Level, and The End left; each should take about 4 months to complete from beginning to end, and then we'd need another 4 or so months to add all the game's mechanics retroactively to previous levels, as well as to finish one more portion of the game that'll be a surprise. Thanks for the shoutout, too! :)


I can find the ice demo but not the other demos and no problem


Will the full version will be send to me on release even if I don't pledge each month ? (I pledge a 10$ tier for one month) I might not be able to follow the project entirely but it would be a nice 2018 surprise to receive it on release. Great game btw, really love the art and how the sex stuff is used. Good job.


Yep, you'll get the full version on release! Thanks a lot for the support and praise too :D