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For those of you experiencing crashes with v0.17a, it should be fixed now; download the game from the new link in the post before this one, and it should work fine :)


Yuni Hermit

I admit I haven't tried one of the demos in quite a while (I'm a patron, got my furry character in one of the computer screen info things by donating big at one point), mostly because I'm lazy and don't like replaying old content to get to the new stuff... is there a level select in right now, out of sheer curiosity? Also are any of the patron stories in? I'd love to know where my character is in the info so I can go find her. <3 Thanks for all your hard work, Devs. <3


ETA on electric demo?


One thing I noticed is if you rebind the action key to anything other then up you can"t put items in storage. You can only equip them.


Make sure to check the changelogs at the start of the demo for details on what we'll have on it, but it's going to be either late April (like how we've been doing demos) or early May.


There isn't/won't ever be a level select for these particular demos, just because each demo is its own level alone. The reasons for this are two-fold; 1) Each new level brings new overall gameplay adjustments and new mechanics/features, and over the course of the demos we're adjusting these features so that by the time we get to the end of the game, we're locked in on everything. If we included multiple levels in each demo, we'd have to retrofit all the levels for each demo with all these adjustments, rather than just doing it at the end of the game's development so to speak, which would make development slow down drastically. 2) We want to have "in between" levels that show off the mechanics for the upcoming level, and we only plan to add those at the end of development; as such, we would only be able to link levels haphazardly which would look/feel kinda odd to us. Each demo therefore is generally brand new content most of the time, especially on a level switch like the v0.18 demo coming up. The Patron stories are in on the Fire Level on the public Newgrounds demo for it, and the Ice Level has a few of them, but in general due to the new cutscene editor and revamping of databanks in general, I've held off on actually adding the Patron stories to databanks during most of the Ice Level. A lot of them will be added though during the Electric Level, and by game's end everything should be in. Thanks for your support :D


Yeah, we're going to work on a fix for that for future demos where "menu keys" stay the same always regardless of binds, and if that doesn't feel right, then we'll offer separate binds for both.


As the game's primarily designed for Windows right now, stuff like that unfortunately might cause crashes when ran on another OS using an emulator. That said, you're not missing out on anything; hitting the boss twice during the 3rd phase instantly ends the demo, bringing up a prompt saying "you are winner!" and you're brought back to the title screen, so you're not missing much. :P


We likely won't get it done by April 20th, but something like the end of April might be doable :) and yep, we'll have that too!


Hello HentaiWriter ! I just became a patron, could i have the old demo sent to me please??


Are those that have donated over $10 over time still eligible for newer demos or how is it working now?


The $10 is for a copy of the game at launch (50% off the price we'll be selling it for); the only way to get monthly demos is the $5 and up pledge. You can access all the previous demos though by going to the activity feed and clicking on the "demo" tag on the left :)


I don't send out demos anymore to people; they're all posted on the activity feed :) you can access all the previous demos though by going to the activity feed and clicking on the "demo" tag on the left.


If the next month's demo is the electric level, does it mean we won't see the ice level with cutscenes and voice acting? If not, will you post bits of it here?


Yeah, unfortunately not; as we want to get the core levels done and then sweep back over them to add in all the stuff we missed like that, we likely won't record voice acting for it until game's end. For the actual cutscenes themselves, you've actually seen them all in previous patreon posts in parts; Triangulate wants to keep the full cutscenes a surprise though, but we'll see if he loosens on that as game development goes on. :P The Electric Level though is going to have a LOT of cutscenes and such, much more than any other level, along with a LOT of sex scenes. It takes place in a sex toy factory, so if you want sexuality, this level is going to be stuffed full of it!