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Hey, we're still on track for v0.17a late tomorrow, but wanted to see if any of you would be interested in an actual Discord Server for the games I'm working on.

The server wouldn't differentiate between tier levels (or games, so if you're pleding to Internal Interrogation or Reclaim Reality, you'd have access all the same), just so long as you're pledging at the $1 level or above, you'd have access.

It'd just be a place to discuss the games, have more "realtime feedback" with stuff, that sort of thing. I'll still be responding just as often on Patreon as I ever have, of course, for those of you that didn't want to join if I did end up making such a server.



My joining is dependent on whether or not I can spam friendship windmills.


A discord server dedicated to discussion about erotic games would without a doubt be a wet, sticky hive of degeneracy and perversion. I don't see what's not to like.


I don't know what discord is, but i do know a lot of Twitch personalities have them.


I think Doot has a good idea here, there isn't allot of places for creators and hardcore fans to cum together (puns) for a common cause, oh, and to anyone who wants to find a big list of games, that doesn't already know about it <a href="http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=26828" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=26828</a> this has many other patreons to look through, to find the newest ones, search the page for "new"


So I setup the Discord server, got everything lined up, edited the reward tiers to reflect it, and... it's not working. Had a few Patrons try it out and it isn't putting them in the Patron role, nor is it inviting them to the server once they link their discords, so I've emailed Patreon to see what's going on with it; hopefully they can fix it soon.


Well, I'm up for joining!