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So there's a lot of forum topics and other places I've posted about this game to try and get attention for it, especially given all the new updates to the game's art, audio, mechanics, storyline, so on.

However, being that all of you are literally the reason this game exists, I've been posting updates practically ONLY here, minus a few tidbits every once in a great while, on other forums.

I thought about it today though and I wanted to see if all of you would mind if I posted a bit more on forums, in particular, if the forums and such got part of the weekly update. 

I'd want to do this because a lot of forums in general think we're either 1) almost never updating our game with content (as those of you who are actually pledging know is far from the truth), or 2) the project is just outright dead and hasn't updated since the Fire Demo at all.

Now, demos will of course stay for Patrons only (besides the public Electric demo sometime in August, and the final Fire Demo when the game's complete with all the mechanics and such), but I wanted to see what stuff you would mind the LEAST if I were to post it publicly a few days AFTER each week's Patreon post.

So the answer you pick below should be what you wouldn't mind me posting publicly, assuming that I'm posting it a few days after I've posted it on Patreon, and all the rest of the content (and demos of course) stays Patreon-only.



Pictures and art have more value than words so I say keep the pictures to ourselves 😜


It would be nice if we could brainstorm for an idea we all agree on. I'm neutral in any case, regardless.


The way I see it, the less people think the game is dead, the more likely more patrons come in.

Darth Xelleon

Well, your Patreons should take priority, but you also need to advertise and get the word out there.

Garrosh Smith

How about updating your blog as well? Because that one has been empty for the longest time.


Made a pretty good point with people thinking the game isn't being updated solely on the fact that there's nothing showing up on it on, say, ULMF. Showing them stuff more frequently should do well to boost confidence, yep.


Advertising your game on the patreon isn't a bad idea. this page isn't s club, it's a place for u guys to request money to make your project come to life. I don't understand why people would want to hide stuff from the public beyond the demos. If we want the best product possible, we should let them show off as much as they find appropriate. I think the demos are enough incentive to become patrons :)


The more they know, the bigger the chance that they come and pledge too. So post it anywhere you want.

Karna Sinanju

I think it's an excellent idea to share some on point information of how the game is making out during it's progress toward the public, it will show some good spark on how promising the game is for sure along with the art to make them want the game more. Since fire demo is all they can play, they surely don't know about power up or her special attack and that may just put high excitement!


I love the art, it's one of the things that made me want to support FF. And I live the life, too. If it can help bring in more people, then go ahead and stagger the releases. Anything to bring in new folks!


I think it's a good decision to try and get the art and updates out there for the public. It lets people know what they are getting into before they decide to support on patreon and it could bring in more people who are on the fence about it..


Public dev notes are important. I'd go so far as to release a public (though limited) demo of the ice level that is a few updates behind current build (or a more complete one when the Electro demo drops.) You're far enough along to be able to run a more solid public image, and absolutely should move to push your brand!


Yeah, that's a good point; I just hadn't done much with it because of what this post talks about, basically.


The main reason why we don't want to release public demos unless they're extremely polished (like what the Electric demo will be) is because whenever you release a public demo, that's all the public has to go off of, and that's what they make their judgement on. For a lot of people too, the first time they run across a game can seal their interest in the game, or ruin it; because of that, if we put out anything subpar (i.e. in progress demos) people may never check out the game again, regardless of whatever quality it has in the future.


Exclusive content held back through a paywall is a huge mistake. People pledge to support the game. You choose to provide them with bonus materials, better demos, WIPs, this and that. That should not exist. Show what you are doing and people will pledge to support you, not to see what you're up to, then feel robbed.


none of the above, I think it will draw in people to let them see (rather sooner than later) the sumup of whats happening, allowing them to see the text. seeing the writing might help them decide if it is something they want to open their wallets for, on the other hand, I think its a good idea to release SOME art. its likely a good idea to let people see what you are doing, but keep most of the nice stuff for patrons. TL;DR: give people enough info to know if its something they want to fund, keep some of the juicy stuff hidden for patrons.

Zay Bee

I think keeping everything patreon exclusive would be hurting yourself. You need to get the word out there in order to get more patrons!


I'm supporting as long as I like what I see happening development wise. Other people getting the same content I get at no cost is not a concern.


To be fair, I do offer refunds no matter what if anyone feels robbed, but I get what you mean. That said, demos, besides the upcoming public Electric demo and the final Fire Demo, will always remain exclusive for the reasons I noted up there in a reply to Nightmare Fuel's post.


Good idea, we'd been discussing that before internally about what art we wanted to release publicly IF people were ok with such a thing, etc. in a similar manner


I'm fine with them seeing the entirety of updates. I backed because the demo was fun, and I wanted to see more of the game.

Daddy Warbucks

In general, I'm not a fan of artists using Patreon as a paywall. I support artists and projects I like, not as a form of quid pro quo. Market as you see fit.


you may want to simply blur the "good bits" on....I don't know... half? and that gives people a taste, but also shows them some, and gives them a reason to punch (with a furious erection) the "become a patron" button. but if you show nothing, then they don't know why they should, if you show too much, you will be a victim of your own success and no one will be incentivized to become a patron, you gotta find that balance.