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FrougeDev is just continuing work as usual on the new editor, cutscene editor, and so on!

Triangulate, being done with about 90% of the art for the Electric Level, is now working on some polish stuff as well as future things for the Earth/The End levels, and cutscenes with me too!

I've been helping out Frouge on the powerup stuff (doing abbreviated definitions for things, reworking powerups balance-wise with testing etc.), as well as still redoing the script for the boss cutscene with Triangulate!

Rtil is currently focusing on Internal Interrogation for the next month or so, then he'll be doing double duty between this and II!

Fuyarinpa is currently focusing on Reclaim Reality, but within the next month or two he should be back on doing music for the Electric Level!

Stenzo K. is done with SFX for now as he's working on another project of his own, but when we get to the Electric Level, he'll be able to start up SFX again!



So for those who haven't been browsing around the comments, we do have a demo coming out in March, but as we're spending all of March and April upgrading the game's editor and the cutscene editor to allow us to do a lot more with the game from here on out, this will be more of a "small additions/bugfixes" update.

Here's what we've got planned; we'll try our best to get all of this in, but we can't guarantee the entire list will make it in.

  • Adding in Talia's "Boss Charge Shot" from the Fire Level
  • Adding in a few more powerups to play around with
  • Adding in a feature that someone suggested where the Teepee Traps are randomized; this means that in a given map, there might be 3 or 4 teepees where the trap could actually be, and the others would be duds.
  • Adding in voices for the Celodst King and Talia for the Ice Boss cutscene
  • Altering the KO music to fade out more gradually when a sex scene starts during the KO state, and for it to fade back in more gradually once the scene is over
  • Adding "map fog" to the maps so you know where you've been
  • Adding a small hint to the boss battle, communicated to Talia from <redacted> if the player fails on it multiple times
  • Adding the new dialogue/databank boxes that Triangulate did
  • Fixing the bug with respawning in Easy Mode on some maps (incorrect spawn nodes)
  • Fixing the "shaders on/off" option to automatically permanently disable if your computer is incapable of supporting shaders, preventing any possibility of a crash



Triangulate, wanting to keep adding content to the game during this point where he doesn't have much to do art-wise, came up with an awesome idea!

He said that it's kind of boring to see Talia end up in the same position every time during the KO state after sex stuff has happened, especially if say, she's in a completely different position at the end of the animation.

So, he's going to do a KO state animation loop (nothing complex, just like the one we have now where it's a few frames of her lying down and breathing) for every KO sex animation in the game, so after the animation's done, she'll remain in that pose with cum coming out of her (or her squirting or whatever else).



A few people have mentioned that the game seemingly uses a huge amount of resources on their computers; wanting to fix this, I asked Frouge if anything could be done.

He mentioned that as he's still using the framework from the old version of the game (something he's going to try and redo even more during this 2 month period), some resources weren't optimized. Prior to optimizing stuff in the engine, the game used a sizeable 800-900MB of RAM.

After the optimizations though, he's been able to cut that number in half, getting it down to around 400MB of RAM, meaning the game should run much smoother/faster on a lot of low-end computers, and he'll of course continue doing optimizations as we continue on with the game.



The GIF at the top of this post shows the finished GUI for the menu. From the left, the menus are;

  • Databank and Cutscene Replay
  • Regular and Boss Powerup Info & Reassignment
  • Full Map with Important Item Locations
  • Video, Audio, and Control Settings


Thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The next demo, v017a, will be out March 31st, and will have a number of improvements :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 




This is great news👍🏾 it's all coming together nicely 😁 Thanks for progress update.


I really like the idea of the multiple KO poses! It would be a nice touch to see Talia stuck in the after-effects of some of the poses.


I really like the idea of the KO poses, it could add in some good additional flavor. Like she could be still weakly playing with herself after being mind controlled by that flying demon from the fire level, or really gaping and failing to regain control of her open legs so she could stand back up after some big enemies etc.


The animations sound great. Will any be in the game in the upcoming demo. Keep up the good work.


I think it helps a lot too with "transitions", as in it seems odd sometimes for her to be like on her stomach in a sex animation, or on all fours, then suddenly a frame later she's on her back; this way it makes more sense.

Jason Bill

KO poses sound great. Will there still be maps with multiple Teepees? So a map with 2 traps and 3 duds for example?


Do we have a release date for v0.18 ?


Right now there's no exact release date set, as we're incorporating a lot of new things into the game with v0.18 and stuff might go a bit longer than expected (or a bit faster), etc. Roughly, we're aiming to get it out around the end of April or the beginning of May.