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So as noted in the previous post, the VA is likely not going to record stuff; they haven't gotten back to me since yesterday, so we're moving forward with the assumption they won't  be able to record stuff in time.

Now, that said, we have two options for this demo.

1) Use a bunch of pre-existing moans, orgasm screams, etc. to stick in the cutscene (not custom audio), and then replace them with custom audio/dialogue once the VA gets back on track in the March demo


2) Have there be no audio during the cutscene, and start work on the Electric demo faster, and then add the audio in during the March demo

EDIT: To be clear, the v017 demo is still coming out on February 28th. This is just regarding one element of it.



How different are the cutscenes that really require audio changes?? and what happened to our beloved VA?


Not sure what's going on with the VA; as for the audio changes, namely we wanted to record unique moans/sighs/etc. as well as the spoken dialogue of course for the cutscene, but we'll have to get that done in March, unfortunately.


is the demo out today yet?