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FrougeDev has finished 90% of the powerups revamp; we're just doing some final GUI touches on it and such!

Triangulate has been primarily working on a combination of Electric Level content as well as Ice Level, as well as the "boss charge shots" you see above!

I've been helping out Frouge on the powerup stuff (doing abbreviated definitions for things, reworking powerups balance-wise with testing etc.), as well as still redoing the script for the boss cutscene with Triangulate!

Rtil will be starting on the Electric Level Enemy/Boss CGs, as we ended up going with wanting to have a lot of stuff ready for those demos (as the final Electric Level Demo will be a public one), so by the time we finish the Electric Level he should have all 5 CG sets done (four enemies + boss)!

Fuyarinpa has finished all the music for the Ice Level demo, and is now moving onto the Electric Level!

Stenzo K. is the name that our dedicated SFX artist wants to be known by, and we've got some more examples of his stuff in this week's post!



So when you defeat a boss, you'll not only get the utility ability for them (for example, the Fire Dash) but you'll also get a special charge shot from them as well.

To use these charge shots, you'll need to select a boss powerup to use (think how boss weapons work in Mega Man) and then your final level of your charge shot will be that specific charge shot.

(Note that utility abilities will always be usable regardless of boss powerup selected.)

These charge shots will use up mana bars as well; the amount they use however will vary, unlike the utility abilities, as some of them are simply more powerful (or more useful) than the others.

The abilities we're going with so far are;

Fire: Travels medium speed, hits one enemy or wall but explodes in a fireball area of effect, which damages enemies by doing a small amount of damage over time as they're set on fire. Uses 1 mana bar.
Travels slowly, hits one enemy for massive damage, and slows their movement speed permanently if they're still alive. Uses 2 mana bars.
Travels quickly, does initially very little damage, but it hits multiple enemies instantly; when the first enemy is hit, all other enemies in a wide cone take damage, and the damage is multiplied on each enemy hit down the line, leading to massive damage for the last enemy hit with it. Uses 3 mana bars.
Travels medium speed, hits one enemy, circles around them for a second or so draining life from them, then returns back to Talia and heals her for the damage drained. Uses 4 mana bars. (You'll note this is more mana bars than you have currently; yes, you will get more mana bars over the course of the game.)



To go along with the above, when Talia equips any boss powerup,  a visual effect will play on Talia's sprite (like electric sparks from her hands, frost coming off of her shoulders, her skin getting red with heat, so on).

To accompany that, we had sound effects made for each of the "selecting a boss powerup" situations, and you can listen to them down below!

Earth Power Equipped
Electric Power Equipped
Fire Power Equipped
Ice Power Equipped 


Thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The next demo, v017, will be out February 28th, and will have a number of improvements :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 




Thanks for the progress update, I'm pretty excited on what the next demo will bring. Also on the side note, when I saw the fire charge shot, I instantly recall Reinhardt's fire strike from Overwatch lol. Keep up the good work!


More progress and features, almost always a good thing. Keep up the great work.


Excited for next demo fo sho. Hoping for furnished GUI and boss cutscenes with full animations n scripts!! Kinda obsessed after seeing Talia's youknowwhat face at the end of boss cutscene lol.


Whoa, those sound effects are good! Love the idea of these boss-element charge attacks. Considering how much more complicated the game and its enemies will be getting in later levels, the extra offensive capabilities will be very welcome. Having stuff like damage-over-time attacks would be mega-useful against stuff like the Shield Celodst--or the Tall Celodst.


The GUI should be pretty finished by the v017 demo, and completed entirely by the v018 demo :D The Ice Boss cutscene should have full voice acting, animation fixed, script etc. for this demo too!


Yeah, that was our intent was to give you something to be able to deal with certain types of enemies; the Electric shot would be good against certain enemies in The End, the Ice shot will be good against some enemies in the Electric Level, and the Fire Shot is good against both Earth and Ice enemies, etc.


are there going to be a few extra levels so that when you obtain all the power ups you get to take advantage of them for awhile or will it be like you obtained the 4th power up and now your at the last boss level? Also wonder if any of the enemy will cause a status effect after an H scene with Talia? Great game by the way!


Yeah, there's only 5 levels, but trust me, you'll have plenty of time to use all the powerups ;) About the status effect after H scenes, probably not, just because that would be even more punishing to the player, and possibly put them in a loop where it'd be hard to escape, etc.


I don't know if this sent so this might be a retype. What it the effect was just a visual effect or positive bonus? Thanks for answering my last question so fast!


Will there be a new game +???


Not sure what visual effects we could do; if it would require anything like a costume being altered, that's a no-go as Triangulate would need to redraw hundreds of frames of animation by hand to accommodate the outfit change :P For a positive bonus, the reverse would be true; people would intentionally be getting hit by enemies and it would grind gameplay to a halt, but something similar to that exists in easy mode.


Currently we don't have a canonical new game + in the plans, but we might do something like that just to let people mess around with them and such once they've beaten the game. We do have egomaniac mode planned though which is an alternate way to play the game once you've beaten it, etc.


I pledged for the $20 audio pack tier, can I get the audio files?


Yeah, we're just running a bit on crunch time for the demo, I'll be sending out emails ASAP :)


I eagerly await!