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FrougeDev has finished the first phase of the Ice Boss fight, and is now moving onto phases 2 and 3!

Triangulate has been primarily working on GUI assets, with the new menu, as well as quality of life GUI stuff (showing what path/area you're on, the minimap, etc.)

I've been doing various odds and ends, mainly working with Fuyarinpa and the SFX guy to get stuff in order for them, as well as more cutscene prep stuff, dialogue, getting voice actors to record lines, etc.

Rtil is still moving, but they should be all finished soon, and able to finish off the CG as well! There's also another surprise regarding them, but it's not for this game...

Fuyarinpa has finished a track for FF, and is currently working on the Ice Boss music; you can check out the finished track below!



So Fuyarinpa has finished the first "base" song for the Ice Level; you can listen to it by clicking here! The song may sound somewhat minimalistic, but remember that this is intentional, as other instruments will be layered over this song depending on what's going on in the level. Fits pretty well though, IMO!



The picture above is in-game; it's not a mockup, we have the first phase of the boss fight playable and fully functional! (The background will be changed to a unique boss background, just like in the Fire Level, though, and of course the test information like the FPS and other markers will be removed, too.)

As for what those bubbles and that beam of light are for, I covered the bubbles during a previous stream (get in them and time gets reversed for you temporarily), but as for what the beam of light's for and why time reversal is important, well, you'll see :P



Now that polls are built into Patreon, I'll be doing polls from time to time asking all of your opinions on various things; this will be a way for all of you to let us know how you feel about the game, and yes, this not only helps us out with info/data on how we're doing with the game, it can (and has in the past) affected the game design, so definitely vote in them!

(For anyone afraid that we're going to have the game become a mishmash of Patron opinions about it, no worries; much like the last large poll we did, we're going to keep our vision of the game solid while picking and choosing what we feel are the best suggestions that only strengthen the game without weakening it.)



So as you all know, the next demo is out January 30th; it'll have the boss battle, as well as a number of other adjustments/additions (which will be in a changelog visible at the start of the demo as well). This is still coming out as planned.

Originally, we were going to get this demo out with all the additions we wanted for the engine besides parallax, the fully integrated menu, and cutscenes, and then spend 2 months integrating those things along with preparing and then releasing a Electric Level demo at the end of those 2 months.

However, after spending time on the game this month, we realized that we won't have time this month to integrate much besides the Ice Boss, and we didn't want to jump to the Electric Level without integrating these large features, so we'll be instead releasing ANOTHER Ice Level demo on February 28th, which will add almost all of the remaining engine features (sans the two mentioned above).

Probably the biggest missing feature from the January demo that will be in the February demo is the reworked powerups system; this means that this new demo will still be with the old powerups system.

To compensate for the lack of features, since this demo is centered around the boss fight, we'll either give you a button to insta-skip to the boss at any time in this next demo, OR we'll just open up the boss path in the hub map without having to complete all six paths.

So the tl;dr:

  • January demo = Ice Boss, number of small quality of life fixes/additions to engine/gameplay
  • February demo = Mainly integrated menu (holding off on cutscene review until cutscenes are integrated), new powerups system, addition of many fixes/additions to game engine/quality of life stuff, making the Ice Level about 95% finished (not counting cutscenes)
  • March-April = Creating cutscene editor, finishing off menu, forming the base of the Electric Level code-wise, Triangulate and I working on assets for Earth Level and Electric Boss, continued production of music/SFX/etc.
  • April 30th = Electric Level demo, back to monthly demos again


And as usual, thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The new demo, v016, will be out January 30th, and will have the Ice Boss in it, along with a number of improvements :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 
