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FrougeDev has started work on the boss fight over the past few days, as well as doing a few odds and ends (they've implemented resolution changes and full screen back into the game, as well as shader/vsync toggles for those who were having crashes with those features).

Triangulate has been working on the menu up above, as well as the final pieces of art for the Ice Boss battle, etc.

I've found a SFX person (you can see examples below!) and I've been getting work from them for the game, as well as doing diagrams like the above and hashing out musical stuff with the team, etc.

Rtil is actually moving to a new place, so thier CG work is going to be on hold for a bit, but they should be finished with the first CG shortly after getting all moved in later this month.

Fuyarinpa has started on FF tracks, namely for the Ice Level and the Ice Boss both, now that we've got a completed music document for him!.



We've now started Instant Charge; this means you'll be charged instantly of course, but coming next month/with the Jan. 30th demo, you'll be able to just pick the demo up from the Activity Feed instead of waiting for me to send it to you!



The menu for the game is in a mockup up above, or you can go to http://i.imgur.com/EbNGUHT.png to check it out in full.

When the player picks to bring up the in-game menu, a graphic similar to the one above (which is also the icon of the game, btw) will come up, and they can make one of four selections.

Once they've made a selection, the first graphic will transform into one of the menus up here, and then you'll be able to select stuff within it. I think the image is pretty self-explanatory, but if any of you have any questions, feel free to ask, of course. :)



Here's the first three sound effects that our new SFX artist has gotten for us!

Fire Ambience - This will start off quiet when Talia is far away from a fire prop (on the ground or on the walls), but as she gets closer, it'll get louder.

Ice Level Lift - This will play, similar to the above, when Talia gets close enough to one of the vertically or horizontally moving platforms for the Ice Level. As with everything, it'll be audio balanced in-game so it's not really loud or annoying or anything like that.

Ambient Ice Level Effects - These will be chopped up and played in small bits randomly around the level, especially when there's nothing else around.


And as usual, thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The new demo, v016, will be out January 30th, and will have the Ice Boss in it, along with a number of improvements :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 




Very exciting stuff! I really like how you guys work that diamond emblem into everything. I look forward to seeing it's full relevance. While I have you here, there's a lore-question I'd like to ask: what is up with Grunts? How does WORM train people into being Grunts? Is it exclusively for men? Are Grunts even human?


Will the trap+interrogation scene that you mentioned before also be in the new demo then, or will that be for a future release?


That'll be in the next release, v017; we need to get the cutscene editor going first before we can get those kind of cutscenes in, unfortunately.


Grunts are pretty much trained in a way similar to the Matrix, where they get plugged into a computer, it downloads all the info into their brain in one shot, boom. This makes them notoriously inept, as they have the KNOWLEDGE of how to do something, but not the actual EXPERIENCE to do it correctly, which is why they're generally such a little threat. Grunts in subsequent levels of the game are more experienced, and thus have more complex attacks/more mobility as they've been able to put that knowledge to better use, etc. (This also allows the WORM to ban a lot of "subversive texts" as Grunts get all of their info "needed" from the machines, thus preventing the Grunts from coming close to rallying any sort of mutiny through more "controversial knowledge", but of course there's black market/backdoor channels for that kind of stuff.) When a person is assimilated into the WORM "machine" as it were, their overall aptitude is measured; people with the lowest aptitude become Grunts, but if they show high potential for a given skill, they'll instead be shifted into the scientist, or military leader, or etc. chains of command/skillsets, and get the requisite knowledge for THOSE careers pumped into them, although the non-Grunt factions have a lot more freedom with what they can digest mentally (but they still have restrictions), as they're expected to innovate, instead of just do their jobs in a brain-dead way. Grunts are human, although depending on the area they're stationed at, they might have augments (ex. Fire Grunt has injections to prevent against being bothered by high temperatures, Ice Grunt is the opposite, Electric Grunt can see in the dark for when the power goes off/has equilibrium balancers for gravity switching, etc. There are female Grunts, but they're all in the female-only facilities, much like how the areas you'll play through in FF are required to be male-only facilities.


I just reconfirm my pledge,but still not charged..


Odd that it's still not charging; it might take a day or two, but if it still doesn't work, PM me!


I'm iffy/pessimistic of the first main menu screen. A menu design leading to other menu designs might not sound like much, but it can get cumbersome when you just wanna quickly do one specific thing, especially when the heavy graphics make it lag. Make sure you d00dz keep it efficient first and foremost... and I guess we're here to QA everything.


Speaking as a graphic designer who also does UI/UX, you might want to reconsider the main menu central area since the game is mostly keyboard driven. The icons are placed so that they are diagonal relative to each other, meaning you will need two arrow presses to get from one that's furthest from the other. If you have them in a plus position, you have the bonus of the player being able to navigate using the WASD keys in a kind of straightforward manner - but honestly a list is pretty preferable in the sense that the content will be "read" faster as well as the fact the the selection travels down a single axis (think of it in the sense of why radial weapon selection menus aren't super popular in PC games). Now from the aspect of using a controller, that setup makes a bit more sense since it's natural for the thumbstick. I know you must like the diamond thing, but from my own experience, I was in a small game project where I literally had to move a menu button from an area where it made the most sense aesthetically (visual unity/quality) to where it was actually more *usable*. The other thing to consider is not just how it branches out visually, but how the flow works. Think of what manner of motion/navigation the player uses from the main menu -&gt; the rest of them + how the submenus compare to each other. Each menu navigates differently than the main menu, as well as different from each other. Even in different content types, you can still keep a consistent navigational method. Which brings me to the last point - visual unity from one menu to another means that the eye of the observer doesn't have to reposition as much. In other words you might want to have a unified "frame" in which the content switches, so that it always has the same basic outer dimensions. Here's sort of the positioning I'm talking about, but very sloppy: <a href="http://imgur.com/a/4QXPJ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/a/4QXPJ</a> There are multiple solutions to a menu/pause screen, Shovel Knight is a good example of a simple but fast screen. I hope my ramble helps. Thanks for the update c:


Do note that we're optimizing the code with each iteration so it shouldn't be laggy (to be honest, it shouldn't lag now; I'm getting upwards of 200 FPS on a computer that's a good 4 or so years old). We'll definitely modify things if it gets to be too complex!


We're always open to suggestions on the UI; I do admit that it would suck having to press one extra time to get down to the options/video/etc. settings, but I will say that we did this under the assumption that such settings would be by far the least used in a normal run (once or twice to set video/audio/controls, and then likely never used again). We're up to change it though if it becomes bothersome, etc. One idea we're working with is possibly having the diamond rotated 45 degrees, and having the selection for the player start in the middle, so then similar to a plus design, they can move up/down/left/right to immediately get to any of the four options. Given the diversity of the stuff you'll be able to do in the menu though, it'll be pretty hard to keep a totally consistent flow/visual unity without crippling functionality some, so this'll be something we'll have to work out over time/tinker with, but we're not gonna just slap it on there and never adjust it again, for sure :D and definitely, feedback always helps! Thanks for the support and critique :)


Just pledged as well, any way I could get the demo as well?