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FrougeDev has finished the 1st and 2nd phases of the Ice Boss fight, and is still on time to finish the 3rd before the 30th!

Triangulate has been busy working on additional assets for the Ice Boss fight (stuff to make it even more visually polished, etc.) and of course, the GUI, which you can see above and I'll be talking about down below!

I've been doing various odds and ends, mainly working with Fuyarinpa and the SFX guy to get stuff in order for them, as well as more cutscene prep stuff, dialogue, getting voice actors to record lines, etc.

Rtil is on the last variation of the Fire Boss CGs, having just finished moving; you should see those next week!

Fuyarinpa has, believe it or not, finished ALL of the music for the Ice Level that we need for now (save one or two, but they won't be in this demo/the next demo, as they're cutscene-related songs, and non-boss cutscenes will only start coming in from the Electric Level onwards). If you want to spoil yourself, you can listen to the Ice Boss tracks down below!



So it came to my attention a little while ago that one of our most long-time pledgers (they asked to not be named) created a TVTropes page just for the game, filling it out with a LOT of information, most of which I've only mentioned off-hand in streams or in older Patreon posts!


Some of the stuff here is spoilers, but I've went through and fixed any small inaccuracies; for the most part though, it was already incredibly well done/accurate. If you'd like to contribute to it and know of any tropes that would fit the game, please do so :)



As you can see above, we've went with a different direction for the GUI for the menus; on the bottom right, this slab will pop up, and when you move left/right, the respective menus will slide down the side, if that makes sense.

Showcased here though is the powerups screen; you'll use the arrow keys to navigate through the powerups, and when you're highlighting one, you can see its name and more detailed information on it in the bottom left.

Then, if you'd like to place it in your loadout, you simply press X and it'll immediately move the powerup over to the left brackets, where you can move up/down to select which powerup you'd like to swap out.

On the upper right, we've got the boss powerups; selecting these will give you more information on each of the boss powerups as well and their exact properties. (There's a gap in it for when we design the art for the Earth powerup.)

Let us know what you think in the comments!



Now, I did a poll about this, and while most people said they wanted both things to be kept secret, the second highest amount was to show the music. I figure having the music shown isn't exactly spoilers in that you have to actually click on it to see it. So, with that said, here's the pastebin with the music.

Be warned, even clicking on this link is a spoiler, as it reveals something about the boss's mechanics to begin with.


We also have all the "variation" music done that we can fit into the game at this point (the cutscene music as well as the Future Fragments piece music is missing, but that's because we don't have a purpose for those in-game yet).


And that's it for this week! We don't have a lot of content to update you with this week, mainly because most of our time this month has been poured into the boss fight, which as noted above, we're going to keep mostly secret until the 30th :P

And as usual, thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The new demo, v016, will be out January 30th, and will have the Ice Boss in it, along with a number of improvements :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/ReclaimReality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.)  




Yooo, that GUI looks so cool! It's very appealing to the eyes. Most importantly: I don't feel like I'm drowning in information when I look at it. :3 There's something I think people need to know about TV Tropes, from what I've heard about the site: for the most part, TV Tropes doesn't allow for porn to be listed in their articles because it gets them in trouble with advertisers. (Also, they want to have discussion--not much to discuss if you're just talking about a deepthroat). Some H-games have pages, like HuniePop, but in those cases they ONLY refer to the "sexless" versions that are available. The discussion is otherwise kept PG13. If people are gonna add stuff to the TV Tropes page, don't put in explicit sex stuff (we don't need to know that the tall Celodst's cock distends her belly), and make sure it's related to the story. Else the page *will* get zapped. Whoever made that page, though, must've really liked the game. Taking the time to make a TV Tropes page... yeah, I guess that is pretty sweet.

von Boomslang

You... do realize TVtropes doesn't allow erotic content, yes?


As Vent noted, they do allow erotic content, just not direct mentions of porn (HuniePop has a page, as do many other hentai creations). All of the tropes on the page are mentions of the non-sex elements of the storyline/gameplay, or vague mentions of it at best.


nicely done with GUI indeed much better than just dropping. I wished itd be like Mega Man powerups but this is right in its own way. BTW will there be cutscenes in the Jan demo with interrogation or Faye?


There unfortunately won't; we're keeping cutscenes out until at least the February demo, if not the March one, as Frouge will need a month or two to create the cutscene editor as well as finishing changes to the engine to allow us to even implement cutscenes, etc.

The Dayum Machine

I'm unsure if I like or hate knowing about what you're putting in because I love the ideas but they all make me so antsy and wanting to play the new stuff that it makes my brain hurt XD Only a few days though (trusting it goes to plan :))

The Dayum Machine

Good to hear :) Also, I've been working my ass off trying to get a raise so I can up my pledge a little more (also for some personal stuff), to the point of kissing my bosses ass (not literally, that's my idea of hell O.o). He's kind of a dick though, so I might be able to up my pledge, but no promises :/

good boy

I pledged, can I get v015


I have pledged 5$, can I get the V015?


hi,and I pledged 5$, can I get v015?)


Hey, I pledged 5. Could you send me the latest fire demo?


i pledged 5 can i have the demo too ??


@all above, id wait till tomorrow at least guys since thats when they are pushing for, for the next demo, and the patreon money tick isnt till the end/start of the month i believe so if youve signed up for patreon it wont register as a backer till the monthly tick


@Tonberry A new payment has been implemented where there is a first payment straight off. Thats why I asked for the demo, since the payment has been made.


ah k didnt know about that, found the clarity on which payment youve selected to be a bit vague and difficult to check tbh


Yeah hope to have the new version tomorrow then..


From now on, the only option is "instant pay", the Patreon account won't allow any other option :P


The Fire Demo that's the latest one is the Newgrounds demo; we won't be working on the Fire Level anymore until the game's complete, as we're finishing levels as we add features to the engine, then we'll sweep back over the game once all the levels are "complete" to add in the missing features we added in later months. I did send you the latest Patreon demo to the game though, and thanks for the support!


Just upgraded to $5 pledge! Can I get the most recent demo?


You should wait for next demo coming today, around the afternoon.


Pumped for the demo!


Is it normal that I cannot start a new game? or save/load a game? Because I start automatically from a checkpoint without any context of the game.. Where is the electric level? Only got the ice one


Yep, those features aren't in v015, but they'll be in later demos. We just don't have them in right now because progression doesn't matter (ergo, getting all the paths unlocks nothing in this demo and v016 both, and the revamped powerups aren't in yet either). The checkpoint you're starting at isn't actually a checkpoint, but is the actual beginning of the level; the hub map in a given level is your "starting point" for that level. The electric level hasn't been started yet code-wise (although we have a lot of art for it done); that's coming at a base level in April.