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This was in the original post for it, and starting with v016 I'll have a "post to link you all with it with this stuff", but for people having trouble with v015:

"My game crashes when I shoot the shields on the Guard Celdost."
This is caused by your DirectX drivers not being up to date (or not using DirectX at all); to fix this, go to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/179113 and follow the instructions there. If you can't install DirectX, or this doesn't fix it for you, from v016 on we'll have a toggle for "shader effects", which is what's causing the problem on your computer, so you can disable it if you continue to have this problem.

"The game freezes at the title screen."
The game actually isn't frozen; you need to press X or Z to continue. v016 will have this text on the title screen, so there's no more confusion on this.

"The game won't start up at all."
Future Fragments is currently designed for PCs only; to run it on say, a Mac, you'd need to have Wine to emulate a PC environment for the game. This will possibly cause troubles (like the shader issue above), though. We unfortunately can't make every demo Mac or Linux compatible, as this would take an exceedingly large amount of time per demo, but the final game (if we reach the goal for it, which we likely will) will be ported to Mac and Linux a little while after it's completed for PCs.

"I can't full-screen the game."
Resolution options were taken out of this build; in v016 onwards, they're back in. We took them out to remedy a small bug that kept happening, and as we didn't want to miss the release deadline, we opted to just not have that feature in instead.

"I can't run and jump and fire at the same time."
This is likely due to your keyboard not allowing that many inputs at once or those specific keys to be pressed all at once; if you press the ESC key, you can reconfigure the controls to allow higher numbers of buttons to be pressed (for example, if your keyboard doesn't allow Z, X, and the right arrow to be pressed at the same time, maybe A, S, and L might work.)

I hope that answers most people's troubleshooting questions about the demo!



The impression of playing my game is that "difficulty level has gone up". It feels awesome. However, it is also true that there are parts that I felt want some improvements. 1. It is difficult to understand the procedure of the map's attack a bit. This is not a story of a capture gimmick. It's simply a story of the way. 2. The guard / cellodost is too hard. In my opinion, I think that it is better to estimate the physical strength (vitality) low as monsters with defense specialization, especially enemies that invalidate attacks with shields. That's because it's an enemy who first feels awkward, but in the second half it's just a cumbersome task. Except for fighting games, monsters in action games are considered to be on an extension line of traps at all times. If it is wisdom to capture if it is, may it be easy to some extent? But it was a wonderful thing overall. I want to send a lot of compliments. I am happy that I can continuously receive the latest demo of this game. Please keep making great things from now on. I am using Google translation. Please forgive me wrong translation etc.


Revisited the old fire demo recently (sorry if it's a sore spot given all the struggles after it) and the fire demo seemed to flow better in terms of smoothness of gameplay and animations. Is this an optimisation issue or is it on my end that the problem is happening?


No problem with google translation, I understand you :) 1) We will have a "mini-map", and better instructions for the map navigation in future builds. 2) The guard celdost will have its health lowered a lot, and will be put in better places so it isn't as difficult. Thank you for the positive comments! :)


Not a sore spot at all! A few people have reported the Ice Demo chugging more, and that's probably due to any one of the following issues; 1) The gameplay mechanics in this demo are a lot more complex than the Fire Demo programming-wise, leading to more weight on a person's computer; as we go along, this will be optimized more, of course. 2) The Fire Demo, if you played it on Newgrounds, is running on the browser and is significantly smaller as a result, which would lead to less processor load. 3) Windows 10 in particular seems to have a few problems with GameMaker; as none of us have Windows 10 on the team, we have no way to test it for this OS, so if you're on Windows 10, let us know, we'd like to get more feedback on potential conflicts with Win 10 down the line once we have the engine fully complete sometime around the start of the Electricity Level demo in a few months. All three of these issues though are going to be potentially mitigated with v016, as we'll be putting that out in both a stand-alone exe and an installable version, which should make the game run a lot faster.


Considering that Win10 is free there's no reason for some of you to not run it either on dualboot or virtual machine. <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10</a> Just ignore key prompt, it will still work normally for 1 month then it will disable some features but will still work.


Don't got it :c


Thanks for the reply! I was noticing this using the Fire demo downloaded a good while ago, not the Newgrounds version. I am using Windows 10, glad to hear of potentially smoothing of this and I would gladly help with feedback. I hate to be that guy but any idea of when v016 is due out, this is my second round through v015 and I can't wait to get stuck in to more content. Once again thanks for your reply!


I actually found out tonight that Triangulate upgraded to windows 10 last month, and hasn't had any problems with the demo, so we're not thinking it's a core Win 10 issue anymore, but rather the other issues we mentioned.


whats the deal with save pads? i use one and it just warps me back to the starting point and dosent let me warp back. is that an intended feature? because it seems like a very unfavorable one. also, i have no idea what any of the powerups are. i read the little terminal, but you need to include the image with their description otherwise all but 2 of the descriptions are basically" hey figure out which wierd tiny image is supposed to be linked to which randomly chosen word". only 1 knife by name, but like 4 things that LOOK like knives. like 3-4 helmets/hats.


Isn't it supposed to be that you have to reach each of them to progress and they teleport you back to prevent backtracking? If so, I think they should probably have some animation / change color when you reach them and inform you of your progress ("Electronic locks unlocked - 1/7" or something like that...)


whoops, this was supposed to be a response to tetra digm


ahh okay. it should block off said paths afterwards or give notification that said path is completed so as to actually prevent backtracking then. the entire map looks exactly the same on every screen so its quite difficult to actually know where you are. thanks for the help on that though.


One of the texts said I should go back to the lava level. Does this demo include the other levels besides the new ones? If so, how do I get to them? If not, can I have the other demos so I can go back and play the older levels?


I found the map very interesting and well designed, I find that the celdost are pretty much even if they are difficult to hire because of their big damage I think that they have an important role and that they should not be Too easy to kill. (Personally I found the difiiculter on the low V012 and I find that this demo is not very difficult either) I think some enemy are not successful, especially the one who throws a kind of laser, (although it can become dangerous with other enemy) it is far too easy to kill in addition to the fact that it does not know if We do not hire them, and I think we should increase the health of the smaller enemy too. I was pleasantly surprised with the new system of health and objects that gives passives, (I know not if it is a novelty but I liked the system of abhility) the map is not raging On the contrary it is very plaiting, and the game always as fun. I use google translation, sorry if it is not very understandable. Good luck for the V016 I'm already looking forward to it.


This is intended; the point of the hub map system, which we'll be making more clear with cutscenes in future builds (as well as visual examples) is that each path with a save pad on it needs to be found and completed. Once all six paths are completed, the path to the boss opens up. The powerups will have text above them and in your menu system which is going to be revamped in v016; if you can, check out <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/future-fragments-7498630">https://www.patreon.com/posts/future-fragments-7498630</a> and you'll see an entire changelog of what we intend to change from v015 to v016. :)


Yep, we intend to have an animation for them as well as having progress informed to the player; don't worry, this is all planned out. We won't be blocking off paths though as there are some cutscenes that can be replayed with different choices made, as well as some cutscenes in some paths affecting cutscenes in other paths. We also don't want to seal off any powerups you may have missed either, with the new powerup collection system. The maps do have some significant differences though; many of the background structures are unique to each map in the way they're stylized, as well as the cave tiles, moving platforms, icicle bridges, etc. all being setup in unique places on each map.


I'm curious as to which text specifically said to go back to the lava level; can you screencap this? None of the databanks should have said this; there's one that mentions the Fire Level and how it provides supplies to the Celodst, but I don't think it says to go back there specifically. This demo only includes the Ice Level, as the Fire Level is a public demo on Newgrounds at <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/683361" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/683361</a> ; those are the only two levels we have in playable form so far.


Definitely look at the changes that are coming soon at <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/future-fragments-7498630">https://www.patreon.com/posts/future-fragments-7498630</a> :) thanks for your support; don't worry, I understand you! Thank you for the positive messages :)


there are 6 paths? ive found 3 teleporters and 4 main paths, 2 of which lead to the same exact spot. honestly, as it is currently the map is a mess of un-navigable same looking corridors. granted, i assume there will be changes to the map layouts before full release. just sayin.


Sorry, i misspoke. I should of said that it mentioned it and I wanted to go back and see it. You answered my question, thank you!