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FrougeDev has been just adding various bits and pieces to the build; come Jan 1st though, he's going to concentrate solely on the Ice Boss before going back to work on more features for the game.

Triangulate has been working on the effects for the powerups and visual polish in general; you can see one of the new animations above, but he's also gotten another 10+ animations done for other effects that powerups grant. He's also been working with me with the Ice Boss game over animation to match it up with dialogue and the like.

I've been trying to find a SFX person as well as writing up the dialogue for the Ice Boss game over sequence, fleshing out cutscenes more, refining the storyline, and re-balancing powerups, as well as various odds and ends.

Rtil has finished the first CG image, and is almost done with the variations of it; they'll be starting on a new CG image soon, and once the holidays are over, they should be knocking out a new CG every 1-2 weeks.



Starting in January we're going to have Instant Charge enabled, which means that there'll be no more waiting until the end of the month to get new demos once they're out!



As you can see in the GIF above, Talia is doing a new move! Specifically, she's shooting downwards while in mid air, but that's not all; as she shoots downwards, she's slowing her descent while keeping her horizontal momentum.

You can see a similar move (and where this ability was inspired from) on this video; https://youtu.be/U2CuvNuPGJE?t=6m20s 

This is one of quite a few Utility powerups we have coming in the next/later builds that will allow you to actually change, even if only a little bit, how you can navigate around the maps/interact with enemies.



We're currently looking for a Sound Effects artist not only for Future Fragments, but for the other two games I'm working on too; a lot more info can be found in the post below. (I'm also seeking a GUI artist for Reclaim Reality , too!)


Note that new sound effects for the next demo might not be in, depending on whether or not we can find someone for this position or not, but we will eventually find someone. (All current SFX in the game are either freeware sound effects, which we want to eventually phase out, or were made by Cheshire, which we also want to phase out.)


And as usual, thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The new demo, v016, will be out January 30th, and will have the Ice Boss in it, along with a number of improvements :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 




You guys are working so hard! I'm really interested in the downward shot; it reminds me a little of the machine gun from Cave Story. I ah... hope the Ice Boss puts the Celodst's "cold skin/hot 'innards'" bit into play ;)


So to clarify, the innards that are hot are mainly the digestive area (stomach primarily), and then the heat radiates outwards from there, inside the body. Their cum and such is actually somewhat lower of a temperature, definitely hotter than a human's, but not as blazingly hot as thier insides; if it was, the act of cumming inside of Talia would probably kill her, and that would be pretty gruesome to animate, to say the least :X I'll get something in there though about how it's "really, really warm", though, for sure. (Thanks for the praise about our work ethic; we're trying!)

Jason Bill

Can you clarify? The powerup allows you to shoot down? Or is that something you're adding anyway, with the powerup slowing her descent when you do?


Geez, I remember seeing this on ULMF forever ago, only recently found the Patreon. Good to see it still going. I've read a few comments so I know I won't get the .15 demo until Jan, but could I bother you for the .14 demo until then?


So will the boss battle make it into the next demo, or should we expect it in the demo after? I believe I asked this before cuz the boss looks quite interesting to me :)


The powerup allows you to shoot down while in the air, which gives you a slight boost upwards each time you do it while maintaining your horizontal momentum. There's quite a few powerups besides this that allow you to do new utility things like this, like one powerup that allows you to shoot diagonally upwards, another one that allows you to float in the air for a short period of time, another one that allows you to gain speed over time, etc.


Yep, the boss battle should be in this next demo! It won't be 100% done, but it'll be 90% there (some things like sound effects, a few visual polish elements, etc. will likely be missing, but functionally by far it'll be in and complete.)


So where can I get my demo

The Dayum Machine

So about the SFX, is it all sound effects, or specific ones you need? I know this obviously doesn't include Talia's voice (duh), but I could ask a few people if they could make some. I did a year in music production but I'm a metal fan, as SFX design is more a dubstep and DnB based area, so I could ask a few of my friends if they could come up with a few. Though, none of them know I like hentai. That... could be an awkward situation. That being said I could give it a try myself, but I'd probably not come up with anything, or anything I would come up with would be trash. Unless of course you want to have a rock-based boss theme, that I can do, but I figure you probably already have someone on that sort of thing, and with the feel of the game it feels more like it'd be better fit with what's already there :P Either way, if I had an idea of what to look for I might be able to help with the SFX artist. No promises though. :/


We actually JUST secured a SFX artist after this post, so that's happily taken care of! Really appreciated though that you're looking out for us and such :D


Hey HW, I've been following your progress since I caught the game on Kimochi. Amazing work and the test demo for the ice stage is stunning. I think it's been long enough since I started pledging to receive the v015 demo, is that possible?


Good to see you found an SFX artist! If you ever find yourself with too much work on your hands just message me I may be able to help with something.


Hey would I be able to get the latest version possible? I have signed up for the 5$ patreon :)


I really like the updates, it's nice to see things progress so quick! Also can I get the latest demo?


How can we get the demo ? I found no link and I signed up yesterday. I was exepecting this demo since a longtime !


I had the demo sent to you back when it came out; assuming Patreon messed up somewhere, I've re-sent it to you again! :)


Can i get a copy of the demo? I think i've been a patron about a month now, the pmt should've gone through.


I too have not received the demo and I pledged at the beginning of December. Thank you!


Ready for that updated ice demo! 2 more days X_X


It unfortunately hasn't; pledges only go through around the 1st-3rd of each month, but starting next month, I'll have the Instant Charge setup going, so this won't be a problem anymore :) Did you want me to send you v014?


Unfortunately, your pledge hasn't gone through; pledges only go through around the 1st-3rd of each month, but starting next month, I'll have the Instant Charge setup going, so this won't be a problem anymore :) Did you want me to send you v014?


so hyped for my pledge to go through so i can get the updated demo! loving this game so far.


Cant wait to get the new Ice Demo! My Pledge finally came through! :)


^ sameee


Ice Demo, Ice Demo, Ice Demo!!!


Hey I pledged 5 $ today can i get the demo?


Hey my pledge cleared today, when can I expect the new version? :D


Hey I think my pledge went through. Can you send the new demo?


Pledge went through as well. Can you send the new demo?


pledge went through aswel


I had change my pledge at 5$ last month so i've paid 5$ today. Can I have the newest Demo please ?


Not sure where else to say this: I've noticed an odd graphical glitch with the Ice Grunt. During their idle animation, the ice symbol on their armor flickers and turns back into the circle from the Fire Grunts.


I'll take one of those Ice Demos too. TIME TO GET MY FAP ON


Excited to get my hands on that new Ice demo.


Yeah, Triangulate got notified of that, he's gonna change it for the demo. Good eye, man :D


So I checked your account and it says you aren't supporting anyone at the moment; if you unpledged too soon, it might not have worked, so send me a message if you didn't get the demo!


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


You should have gotten a link to the game in your Patreon PM inbox just now; if you didn't get it, let me know! Happy New Year also :D


Anytime, my man. Speaking of Grunts, I'm curious: what goes into the process of a soldier becoming a WORM Grunt? Are they even fully human?


May I get a link sent?