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We're going to go over the responses to the survey (you can still respond, by the way!) over the next few days and discuss some of your ideas/feedback, but I can say we've already decided on a few things;

- We will be lowering the Guard Celodst's health enough so that you can kill him in 2 shots, and POSSIBLY lowering his damage also, as well as adjusting the map design around places he's at so that he can't just keep attacking against a wall, making it nearly impossible to hit him

- We will be introducing a "not permanently stunlocked" feature (enemies will be able to get one shot off after being stunned for so long), and making it so the Tall Celodst instantly jumps down into his "crawl" form upon sighting Talia

- We will be putting easy mode in, which will consist of a number of difficulty reductions (spawning at the start of maps instead of at save pads, likely more health drops and/or health regen being re-enabled for that mode only, possibly sex/self-stun not damaging Talia). However, do note that in the full game, you'll have to beat it on normal to get the full ending/true final boss, etc.

- We will be putting the "resolution change" in, as well as gamepad support, minimaps, all of that etc.

- We will, in some format/way, be putting in the idea that 2 or 3 people had about "collecting/keeping all the powerups you ever collect" and "being able to swap them from your inventory at any time", making powerups more about "permanent upgrades/collection" than "random roguelike function"

- We will be putting sound effects in for ambient sounds, enemy attacks, etc.

- We will be adding in an option to toggle shaders for those of you getting the shaders bug that can't install DirectX for whatever reason (old computer, bug, etc.)

For everything else, we'll be getting around to that in the more fleshed out post later this week :) Thanks for all the survey results; if you haven't taken it already, please do! (It's in the post below this one.)



Cant post in The patreon only thing just wanna know if The new ice demo features Any new enemies we havent Seen in The previous short ice demo? :)


Havent ecounteres him yet! :) not sure if im looking forward to it 😂


Another random idea here, sorry if somebody already mentioned this or it was addressed otherwise. Would it be possible to make it so that when an enemy kills you and you land on a platform below him, him runs down to Talia to do the H-animation? (you'd have to check if there's a safe path so the enemy doesn't just comically fall into a chasm :D) Asking this because a lot of times when I got killed I landed somewhere out of the enemy's reach, but he could just walk there if he could walk off platforms.


I like the permanent powerup solution. When you have a lot of powerups - it's better to be able to go through and think hard about what play style you want rather than searching around for them and trying remember what the good ones are on the fly.


I'll ask Frouge about this; given his skill, it shouldn't be TOO hard, but given the possible complexity of it/time drain to code this into the AI of all enemies, this might be something we don't get to for a while, as we want to focus on getting in new stuff ASAP.


Yeah, initially what we were going for with the powerups was sort of a "it's fun to find them and try the new effects out", but then after playing it in reality, we realized that while that's fun, it's frustrating to have to abandon a really good powerup for another good one, and it turns it more into a roguelike, which isn't BAD, but it makes finding powerups more of a "oh, guess I'm stuck with this now" instead of a "wow, more stuff added to my arsenal" type situation. (Plus, it fits the plot REALLY well to change things around like this, so that's a +1 from me too, haha.)


Just an idea, but you could make the Guard Celodst's shield have a health factor as well. Make the shield breakable =) By doing so, you could also introduce 2 new H-animations as well for that enemy.


Is the shield enemy the only new animation? Can't find much else.


Or maybe another solution would be to somehow modify the defeat animation so Talia doesn't move too far on the X axis. I am just used to enemies in H-games crowding around the defeated player, and yours just keep to their pre-defeat behavior and the animation has to happen more or less on accident atm if I'm not mistaken. Wait, the fliers in the fire level went after her if I remember correctly (my favorite enemies so far, can't wait for their CG scene and some mind control :D).


health bars on enemies would be helpful, zoom during ecchi, and when going down by an enemy or purposely by an edge her fall back doesnt knock her off making it sad that you cant see enemy sex scene given your now out of reach.


Yeah, this update was primarily for the new engine, powerups, getting half of the enemy's attacks in there, the new UI, etc. New demos should be coming out on a monthly/bi-monthly basis now, so we'll be doing smaller updates of content per demo as to gauge people's reaction to stuff, get feedback along the way, etc.


Health bars on enemies is actually a pretty neat idea! We're toying around with something similar using numbers to show the HP damage you're doing to them, but that might work even better :) About not being knocked off of a ledge, I'll discuss that with everyone to see what they think about that too, it's got a good grounding for improving gameplay quality, but there might be something we're not taking into consideration etc.


Haven't had the chance to play through much yet so I can't give detailed feedback yet, but one thing I've been wondering since forever: is there any reason why you can't move after you start firing? You can fire while moving, but if you shoot first, you are fixed in place until you stop shooting. Is there any gameplay reason for that? I'm finding that inconsistency a bit annoying and I'm really not sure why it's designed that way.


We originally had this in as sort of a tradeoff system; if you're running, you can only fire at about half the speed you can while "locked" into position, so it's like "double your firepower while costing you some mobility as she's using both hands now", etc. That said, AFAIK this was primarily a Cheshire thing, and so we might not keep this in the full/final game, but we're gonna concentrate more on getting the boss out/more features in before going back to adjust some stuff like that.

Secular Reason

I think it is because of the kockback effect being a realistic thing, but this might be solved by the old school "crumple in place" or "fall to the knees then slump" instead of flying away from the killing attack.


+1 to not flying. I've had trouble seeing scenes due to it. I find myself more interested in dying in the right place rather than avoiding enemies or playing naturally. It kind of interferes in my opinion.

Jason Bill

A bit off topic, but a few things. We're going to start seeing stunned animations in the last couple levels that are penetration, right? I know the stunned loops are generally more about pleasure for Talia. When we get to something like tentacles in particular though, i do hope we'll be seeing that philosophy sorta thrown out. IIRC you mentioned it a while ago on ULMF that farther into the game the animations would start getting more intense. I'd love to see enemies at the end of the game be pretty selfish; caring about themselves getting off rather than Talia. That, and I'd really like to see some clothed sex. Has any more though been put into animating the start and end of scenes. IIRC this was also mentioned a while back as a possibility. That kind of polish would be something pretty awesome that very few games actually have. Would love to see the berserker pick Talia up and flop down to start his defeat scene. The moment of insertion and such. Saw this on your tumblr: <a href="http://hentaiwriter.tumblr.com/post/154272681504/why-i-dont-think-a-nudist-talia-mode-would." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://hentaiwriter.tumblr.com/post/154272681504/why-i-dont-think-a-nudist-talia-mode-would.</a> Perhaps animation intros could be something you focused on first if the development process is going so well. And lastly, i do hope we see some traps and curveballs in with some of the cutscenes and dialogue decisions. Something like the injured soldier in the fire level. I'd love to see some similar situations where there is an actual trap. Maybe in the background if you're paying attention you can just barely see an enemies arm sticking out from behind a rock or something, and when Talia approaches a group ambushes her and it leads to a gangbang scene. Stuff like that. You very clearly care about making a quality product. I wanna be surprised and thrown for some loops. Make it good.


For the animation stuff in general, we'll be going back over the game once it's functionally done to add things like that as polish for the final release. For the clothed sex, we do have a few things planned for that, but nothing locked in stone, so there's no real way for me to promise that yet :P and finally, for the cutscenes or things like what you described, yeah, we definitely have stuff like that planned, no worries, haha.

Jonathan Marlow

anyone else here waiting for Emulis of the Valley of Magic to be released on DLsite? it keeps getting pushed back after it popped up on the 16th of November, this wait is so annoying!


It's been many months since I last played this game, but unfortunately this new demo cemented my feelings about it. My apologies in advance for the extremely harsh critique... Visually, the game is amazing. Absolutely zero complaints on that front. Back story is obviously super-developped. Really, everything but the gameplay is superb. However, the gameplay itself just doesn't feel right for me. After thinking for some time, I feel that the main issue for me is that there's no "flow". Everything is constantly stop and go. The main cause of this is the enemies: everything takes a lot of hits to kill, and deals a ton of damage. It means that you have to take a lot of time to dispatch them, and you absolutely have to since they 2-shot you. In the vast majority of 2D platformers/metroidvania/arpgs I played, the small enemies are 1-shot quick-kills. Here, they are 5 hits. They aren't dangerous; they are just there to waste your time. Usually, you have one on one side and two on the other. So drop down, let go of charged shot. Charge another shot, wait, let go. Challenging, not at all. Breaking the flow? Yes. The same apply to all those solo tall Celosts on flat ground. There's 0 challenge in killing them since they don't get to fire: however, you need like 1 charged shot + 12 hits to kill one. Again, flow-breaking. I don't even need to talk about the Guard Celost, who takes 5 charged shots to kill... I went and played a few minutes of other games afterward to compare what felt off. Take a Megaman game for example. Most of the time, you'll be killing stuff as you move. Few monsters take more than a charged shot (and you don't stop moving when shooting a charged shot there), and those are usually mini-bosses. You'll have plenty of small flying thingabobs to shoot with 1 or two bullets. Or if you want to stay in the h-world (so that it's not mega-budget against indie game), something like Unholy Sanctuary. You have little bats flying around. You got dangerous skeletons throwing bones at you. They are challenging, but they die in one quick whip hit. Tougher regular enemies die in a few hits but pose an interesting challenge, same with the obstacles and traps that hurt, but aren't two-shot deaths (and that game has basically three lives). You don't have the mobility of Kurovadis and the same sense of "wow, I'm so badass pulling off those maneuvers and evading all that stuff". Or smooth flowing combos like Samurai Sacrament or, well, everything in Nightmare Sphere. Even something as barebone as Lab: Still Alive felt better from a gameplay perspective. It's incredibly simple, but the stages flow better. You are far more durable and the enemies die quickly, mistakes are not punished by instant death (or 2 shot), yet you still have to put some care else you won't survive until the next save point and it throws a lot of enemies at you later on. You can change your melee and your ranged weapon to fit the current challenge instead of just always relying on piddly magic orbs that feel utterly innefectual. Enemies in Future Fragment feels like a waste of time, thrown there randomly pad a level's length. They are no real challenge to beat, but to mess up means death. You usually aren't dodging or weaving enemy attacks, or kneeling and jumping while fighting a castlevania axe dude: you just stand there and spam the attack button (guard celost excluded which takes that concept to an absurd amount). Production values for Future Fragment are extremely high, but the gameplay feels so unengaging for me that it feels completely out of place. You said that way back then that people not interacting with the enemies was an issue with the game, and "solved it" by using the current formula of no health-regen, high damage and health drops from enemies. I think that the biggest issue is that the enemies in this game are not actually fun to interact with due to their skill sets, positioning and stats. The controls themselves are stiff but functional. The platforming sections are adequate but little more. I didn't get a single "YES, I DID IT!" or "Aha! That's how you solve this part!" moment. The platforming is better than the fighting and is adequate overall, but it won't win any award from me. Future Fragment is the best-looking, best animated and best-written h-platformer/metroidvania of all time but it's such a shame I'm finding it a chore to actually play in its current state... Sorry for the blunt critique, and if everyone else is enjoying it, that's great! Maybe the gameplay style just happens to not appeal to me.


i don't really find it that difficult but everyone is entitled to there own opinion.


Hey, so I value your input (especially over on the Reclaim Reality Patreon) so let me reply to a lot of these concerns (and I'd advise you to check out the new post I'll be making soon which will hopefully kill off a lot of people's worries about a lot of stuff; remember, we're always changing this game!) - For the enemies, as noted before, we'll be altering damage/health on them practically every demo until things feel right for everyone. We've already lowered the health of the Guard Celdost significantly as well as his damage, and fixed the maps so he's easier to deal with as well. - As far as danger, we've removed stunlock from the game, as well as made the Tall Celodst instantly jump down into firing stance when Talia's on screen, but in turn, he stops firing once she's off screen. - Once we add in the Fire Charge Shot, you'll be able to kill enemies with one shot or so, as well as the powerups (which are intended to be used in strategic ways to deal maximum damage; Anon42 of Crisis Point, for example, was able to do 40+ damage a shot with just two powerups combined.) - Do note that we're not trying to copy Megaman as much anymore; we're making a game where enemies take actual strategy/skill to beat, instead of just firing at them and killing them instantly. As you noted though, there should be a flow to it, and some enemies right now are very weak/easily killed, and others take far too long, and we're balancing/have balanced out all the enemies some, and we'll continue to do so as we add in new features and have to balance for those too. - Also note that you will have mobility through the powerups and the utility of the boss abilities as well; combos aren't in the game because to be honest, the amount of damage you can put out with just a smart powerup setup is going to be ridiculously high, which is something we'll have to balance for also. (Combos, imo, also break the flow of gameplay in many games like this, and become somewhat tedious to have to repeatedly do to have any hope of killing an enemy.) The main thing you have to realize is that you're playing a game in progress; all of the games you named are completed, fully finished games. What you just played is a "behind the scenes demo", where only 20% of the powerups are in, the boss charge shots aren't in, enemy damage/health is constantly being tweaked, new features (like how we're redoing the powerups system somewhat) are being added in, old features are being rebalanced, so on. If it's a chore for you to play in its current state, that's honestly expected; that's why we're putting out frequent demos now, and doing user polls, to get feedback on what is and what isn't working, so we can fix or remove what isn't working, and improve on what is already working. :P