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Check this out if you've played the demo!

On Sunday or Monday, I'll do a post replying to a lot of the vote counts on things, as well as replying to a lot of the questions people had about the game and clarifying what we plan to do about everyone's questions/concerns/preferences on a wide variety of game topics!



I didn't get the demo


Just now became a patron. Would love if you sent me a copy of the demo whenever you have the time.


I was wondering if you could send me the demo as well, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks for your time.


New Patreon, please send link for demo


Was reluctant to make a feedback, but I've only played the v014. Is it possible to get a link to v015?


I'd really appreciate it if you could send me a link to the new demo as well. Thanks.


Im the same as above lol please send link for demo and thanks for your time and effort


Unfortunately, you've only pledged $1 so far, and demo access is $5; if you wanna pledge $5 at the end of this month, you'll get next month's demo on Jan 30th or so, which is going to have a ton more content compared to this one, etc.


Unfortunately, you've only pledged $1 so far, and demo access is $5; if you wanna pledge $5 at the end of this month, you'll get next month's demo on Jan 30th or so, which is going to have a ton more content compared to this one, etc.


Unfortunately, your pledge hasn't cleared yet, as pledges only normally clear at the beginning of the month. However, starting next month onwards, we'll have Instant Charge, which will make this a thing of the past, so you shouldn't have any more problem being cleared for any later demos. Sorry! That said, I have sent you the link to the old v014 demo!


Unfortunately, your pledge hasn't cleared yet, as pledges only normally clear at the beginning of the month. However, starting next month onwards, we'll have Instant Charge, which will make this a thing of the past, so you shouldn't have any more problem being cleared for any later demos. Sorry! That said, I have sent you the link to the old v014 demo!


Unfortunately, your pledge hasn't cleared yet, as pledges only normally clear at the beginning of the month. However, starting next month onwards, we'll have Instant Charge, which will make this a thing of the past, so you shouldn't have any more problem being cleared for any later demos. Sorry! That said, I have sent you the link to the old v014 demo!


Feels as if the guard celdost was just too un-fun to run into. I understand they are put in spots where you have to fight them in order to pass but they shield for way too long and become vulnerable for not long enough. Let alone the fact that when they attack they do too much damage to just eat so you can do more hits in. Every time I ran into a guard celdost, it took about 5 mins to kill or I died for some annoying reason like trying to attack and they used a projectile or the sprite being too close. I also feel that the maps should be a lot less free roaming and open, or at least less easy to get lost in. Hopefully a minimap will help more but having multiple paths to take in multiple rooms is a bit confusing to figure out where you haven't gone.


Yep, we're gonna be modifying the Guard Celdost health/damage-wise, as well as the minimap of course (which will mark where you have/haven't been), and other indicators of where you're going too. We'll likely keep the free roam feature in, though, because we feel the minimap + other things we have for navigation will make it much harder for someone to get confused/lost as to where to go, etc. :P


Ah I see. Maybe I'll raise up my pledge then ;) Thank you


I haven't gotten the demo could you please send it I'm a new patreon


I'm a New Patreon would you rather send me the v0.15 ? <3


Unfortunately, your pledge hasn't cleared yet, as pledges only normally clear at the beginning of the month. However, starting next month onwards, we'll have Instant Charge, which will make this a thing of the past, so you shouldn't have any more problem being cleared for any later demos. Sorry! That said, I have sent you the link to the old v014 demo!


Unfortunately, your pledge hasn't cleared yet, as pledges only normally clear at the beginning of the month. However, starting next month onwards, we'll have Instant Charge, which will make this a thing of the past, so you shouldn't have any more problem being cleared for any later demos. Sorry! That said, I have sent you the link to the old v014 demo!


Just to ask, if you complet the game what would be the price and could you send me a message or something, because i can't really atm be a patreon, because i'm young and my parent's wouldn't like that xD but i can buy a game, your look's awesome, so i might buy him clearly.


i guess you could do an accord with Nutaku, in the sell way if you sell it or F2P if you let it free

Kazuhito Tadano

I'm a new patreon. Please send the v0.15 to me. thanks.


I'm a new patreon. Would you rather send me the v0.15 ?


Unfortunately, as your pledge hasn't cleared, I can only send you the v014 version, but once you clear at the start of next month I can send v015 (and we'll have instant charge then, so none of this will be a problem after that!)


Hello, new patreon here. Would it be fine if I could get v0.14? Thanks


Just pledged 5$ right now! can i have the v15 ide demo? i already got the v14 :)


Your pledge unfortunately hasn't cleared yet, and won't until the beginning of the month, so I can send it then!