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If there was stuff in the demo you didn't like, please check out this post first to see the massive list of changes we'll be doing between v015 to v016 :)




A point of curiosity (and appreciation!): The short, bearded, club-wielding Celdost currently in the demo currently have THREE different animations for each stage of the stunned/knocked out states. First of all, I'm really impressed! Secondly, with that in mind I have three questions: are similar multiple-partner animations A) planned, and if so for any particular enemies in particular, and B) currently, in place and if so among which enemies? C) Combinations of enemies (as right now it seems only the same enemies "stack" so to speak)? thanks to all you devs for the promising game and communication!


There is at least one other enemy that's going to have a multiple partner animation, although they don't come around until the last stage of the game; for combinations of enemies, this is unlikely that we'll implement this, but it might be something we'd consider way down the line once the game's nearly complete :P Thanks for the praise and support!


Is there currently a boss fight in v015, or is that going to be put in with the next update?


Are there any cutscenes in v015 such as the one where you can "barter" with the grunt for intel?


in v015 and v016 there won't be, as we're currently designing the cutscene editor while getting demos out (so it's gonna take a bit of time), but once that's in, we'll be able to do cutscenes aplenty!