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Albatross has fixed the "slopes" problem that was in the editor from when we last showed it off, and they're just making progress on the editor as a whole.

Triangulate has been working on the final enemy for the Electric Level; I wish I could show you his sketches, but it's an enemy that has a specific gimmick not yet featured in the game!

I've been working with Fuyarinpa on music for the game, as well as just doing the usual with cutscenes and text and organizing/creating documents and such. Most of what I can do I can't really implement until we get the programming back up to where it was, so I'm just preparing everything as best as I can until then.



So one thing we haven't really talked about in posts, but have shown on the streams, is dynamic music.

What this means is best shown off first with a video of another game; as a side note, nothing against people who are bronies, but full clarification, I'm not one, haha. Just using this because it's the best example I've found so far online that's of another game, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2PhpyZBjao

As you can see in the video, there's a "base track" that is always playing during the match, but then depending on events in the game, in real time, the music switches into variations of itself.

We'll be doing something similar in Future Fragments, where each level will get one "base track", but then if any of the following events occur;

  • Talia's health drops to 10% or below
  • A strong enemy is nearby (the Berserker, the Guard Celodst, the Electric Stomper)
  • A secret area is nearby
  • Talia's in Egomaniac Mode
  • Talia's in an area where sound would be heavily altered (the underground portions of the Ice Level)
  • Talia's been dropped to 0 HP

Then the music will change, in real time, to be somewhat different. There's a few other variables too, but yeah.

This allows us to keep a consistent "feel" for a given level, while allowing the player to take cues not only from the visuals, but from the audio as well as to what's going on immediately. (It's also really awesome to play games like this, because it gives the game a much smoother experience, imo.)

Finally, as a side note; I was supposed to send out reward emails to everyone last week, but a few family issues came up. I was still able to work on things with the game as usual, but this week I should be getting to Patreon reward emails; thanks for all of your patience.

And as usual, thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.)




I was really worried when we missed out on an update last week. Really can't wait to see this hand-trap in action. I'm also really looking forward to Funyarinpa's compositions; the theme used thus-far for the Fire Level is engraved in my head as the "theme" of the game, as it were, but I'm really curious what Funyarinpa would do for it.


HW lives, PRAISE HARAMBE! but srsly, Family issues,eh? Sounds reasonable. I can't wait to hear the new musics. I wonder how you'll top the title theme.


We actually are still somewhat on track for updates, it just has been something like 8-9 days per updates :P


Man this is so teasing to see!!!!!!! I need demo at this moment!!! lol great work guys seems everything is going to your plan. BTW still Tri being extra stingy about POV animation??


The title theme? Oh, all the current in-game music is getting replaced with Fuya's music; all the current music is free use stuff, etc.


You guys never disappoint me. Nice. By the way, I have a question. You have posted three trap animaions(one in the ice level, two in the electric level). Do they have only sex animation? Other non-trap enemys have two animation(with and without clothes).


Yeah, traps generally will only have one sex animation, because they're designed to be something that Talia has to walk into to start up; the traps themselves don't move from their location, so if she's at 0 HP and can't move, they wouldn't be able to reach her. We also didn't want to make the traps be able to drop you to 0 HP, either.



Jonathan Marlow

but if the trap doesn't take health down to 0, it doesn't sound like it's going to be very effective unless there are other enemies around. If there's one by itself then all you would have to do is escape then stand next to it and wait for your health to regenerate then carry on. I might be missing something but that's how it sounds to me


The demo will be done sometime in November, but not on the 1st, it'll be more than likely around the latter part of the month, like the 20th or even the 30th.


To clarify, natural health regeneration is out of the game from this point on; we removed it a while back, and the only way to get health back now are health orbs and/or powerups that regenerate your health. The traps are mainly there for three reasons; 1) To provide an extra obstacle to deal with that doesn't insta-end you like how say, spikes would in platformer games, but it does punish you 2) To provide a distraction from enemies, and vice versa, so that you might forget one or the other and then get damaged 3) More sex animations