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Albatross has sent us over the editor (more on that in a bit), and he's continuing to add elements to it (powerups, enemies, etc.) which I'll be demonstrating on Wednesday on stream!

Triangulate is working on some more PoV animations for the in-between level maps, as well as the tiles for those maps.

I've been basically making documents like a madman for this game and other ones, so I've been ridiculously busy; to detail all the stuff I've been doing would probably be a post in itself!



So with a new engine, we wanted to make a new editor also of course, having learned from what we did and didn't like about the previous editor.


I gave Albatross this as one of the examples of what we'd like the new editor to function as; one of the primary problems with the old editor was that everything was mapped to a key per category, and some categories were much too dense, resulting in a long time as you'd have to mash the key to cycle through to get a single object.

With this new setup, you can simply go to different categories, much more thinned out now as well, and pick out specifically what we want, as well as much more detailed info on the objects you've already got on a map so you know for balance issues how many enemies you've got, etc.

However, Albatross took it a step further, and added in some quality of life features I didn't even realize were possible!

  • Now, when we're making maps, the "map" itself actually stretches infinitely in all directions; before, we would have to designate an exact map size, and if we wanted to extend it later, it only extended to the right/below, meaning adding onto the left/top of maps would have needed an entire map remake from scratch.
  • While we're going to have capability to not only do the original "fill command" to automatically fill tiles with the correct art, we can now manually place the tile artwork in case we want to do something the algorithm disagrees with, but still functionally works (resulting in new possibilities for map design).
  • Speaking of placing things, while it'll take a bit more time, collision boxes for tiles now are manually placed; the advantage to this is in cases where say, if you remember how hard it was to hit the icicles in the Ice Level to break bridges, we can now modify the collision boxes of the tiles above it to be thinner, making it much easier for Talia's shots to travel through and hit the icicles.
  • We'll be putting in a "select area" command to fill it up with a specific tile or to delete all the tiles in the area, etc.
  • You can now select to snap any object or character to the grid when placing it, or to allow it to ignore the grid as well.
  • A "thumbnail" of tiles now shows up on the right side of the screen so you can pick what ones you want to place.

I'll be demoing this on Picarto on Wednesday, I'll post the exact time later today, but yeah, the new editor so far is awesome!

As usual, thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.)




Oh I am always a fan of of this position and perspective. Love the booty jiggle as well


It sounds like the new editor is going to allow for more-sophisticated levels to be designed, now that increasing their size and locating objects and textures is easier. I really look forward to seeing it in action! Spearing of "action"; that animation... Woof. I'm a sucker for that position. I really got to hand it to TP on this one; he's always done a great job with how lifelike skin looks in his animations, through coloring and motion. Lots of really nice jiggles, y'know? This one... Wow. I didn't know Talia had such a nice ass. To think, this is going to be improved upon... 😍

Minamoto Terumi

Yooo mating press! Good stuff ( =w=)b

Minamoto Terumi

Ah, that's what the position in the animation is called I believe. Idk sometimes stuff like that is vague. It's a nice tag on Gelbooru at least. Usually combined with instant_loss_2koma, which is... an interesting combination of funny and lewd, which has nothing to do with loss.jpg


Nice! Talia is getting nailed pretty good right there. Quick question though. Any plans for a good old fashioned hand job animation with a facial? Also any idea when we might get to see some of the POV animations?


I'll say it's unlikely, just because her willingly jerking a guy off wouldn't be too much in her personality, BUT, something like hypnosis etc... About the POV stuff, I'll try to see if Triangulate's okay with it, but he's usually pretty tightlipped with it. :P


please make a game over cg's


did u recieve my pledge?


Game over CGs would be awesome. I loved those pics that were drawn of Talia ;)


please send me the demo


Yeah, I'm a new backer, how do I get to play the current demo?


I'm in the same boat as they guys above.


i really wanted to see whats on the ice level


The current demo gets sent out a few days after pledges clear; I'll be sending it out Tuesday as I'm out of town until then. Sorry!


The current demo gets sent out a few days after pledges clear; I'll be sending it out Tuesday as I'm out of town until then. Sorry!


dude its tuesday


Me too can't wait for the demo


the icicles wont fall off that's wierd.


Was the new demo sent out?


Yeah, it should be in your Patreon inbox; it's the same demo as before though, if you mean the new upcoming v15, that's not complete yet, but should be done by November or so. :)


Oh okay! I misunderstood and thought a new one was coming out now. Thanks!


You just started pledging this month, so unfortunately your pledge has to clear at the end of the month for you to get the demo. Sorry!