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Check that post out, read it, and let me know what you think here and/or by voting on the strawpoll!



That URL is apparently incorrect, hence why there are so few votes in the poll (probably coming from the post on the small games patreon) :P <a href="http://hentaiwriter.tumblr.com/post/150778715979/question-about-soundtrack-tiers-for-my-games" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://hentaiwriter.tumblr.com/post/150778715979/question-about-soundtrack-tiers-for-my-games</a> Anyway, I figure that most of the patrons supporting you have already accumulated enough pledges to get the game on release, so a standalone soundtrack tier seems more appropriate. Other than that, there's also the question of how many people would be willing to pay 2x or even 4x the price of the actual games for just their soundtracks (4x in the case of the small $5 games).


weird, i have no idea why the numbers are different, but thanks for noticing that! That's a good point, to note though for the $5 games i was going to keep that at $5, since it's a small soundtrack, and it's without the game, too. The reason why it's 2x the cost is because in reality, by paying for the game at $10, you're getting a 50% (or more) discount on the game; we always intended to release it to the public when it's finished at $20, and with the amount of content we're bringing to the table now, it might even be more like $25 or so. The soundtrack though, essentially the deal you're getting there is that we may not even be able to sell the soundtrack normally after release, and the money is going straight to the musician; if we didn't have to pay the musician a portion, it'd be half the cost, but it'd also mean the rates for commissioning music would go up, which would leave us less money for stuff like game over CGs (i.e. we'd have to raise that goal level higher)