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If you're wondering why there's no sex animation this week, it's not that we've run out, but rather that we wanted to keep things varied and we also wanted a change of pace from nothing but animations the past month and a half, etc.

Progress report!

- Triangulate has nearly finished all the animations for the Electric Level, besides the boss, and will soon be moving onto the tilework for the "in-between levels" (transitions from one level to another).

- Albatross is just finishing a few things up on the editor so that we can show it off to everyone on a stream next Monday, if all goes well!

- I'm just working on odds and ends for the game,  helping the HTML5 conversion guy finish that off, sending out Patreon reward emails and so forth, getting music made for the game, etc.


And now, for the powerups! This time around, we've got two Offense, Defense, and Utility powerups each, with two sets of three powerups each, all in the "Mixed" category!

If you missed the first powerups post on how powerups work, go back and look at it patreon.com/posts/4840446 there!

To note again, these objects are not the actual physical representation of these objects; picking them up doesn't actually give Talia a cat, etc.

Since this hasn't been really covered before, after the normal "all defense/utility/offense" powerup sets, there's one more "set" of powerups; the "mixed" set.

Mixed sets have one offense, one utility, and one defensive powerup each, and as such can provide a more "well-rounded" set for those who don't want to go full offense/defense/utility.

So with that said, to start off clockwise from the upper left, we have the first set and its theme: "Fashion!"

#1 - Otoko Gushi Comb (Defensive Powerup)

This powerup is from Japan, and is a specific comb meant to be worn in the hair, only by a specific type of person.

The boost it gives is "Every teleport pad/path beaten in a level increases Talia's defenses by 5% for the rest of that level. This resets upon completion of the level." 

This is a powerup that would only function in the new map system, but it effectively means that Talia can get up to 30% or so increase in all of her defenses by the end of the level. Not too much, but this is a passive benefit, so Talia gets this in all situations.


#2 - Cologne (Offensive Powerup)

This powerup is from Germany, and of course, cologne exists in other places, but what you may not know is that cologne actually originated FROM the town Cologne, Germany, which is why it got its name. (It used to be the name of an actual brand, but is now a generic name, like Asprin, for example.)

The boost it gives is "Enemies, confused by your cologne and lowering their defenses, take 25% more damage if Talia is close to them." 

This one plays on the fact that cologne is usually worn by men, not women, and so this messes with the mentality of the soldiers.


#3 - Sneakers (Utility Powerup)

This powerup is from America, where the modern version was invented.

The boost it gives is "Talia can now jump 25% higher and move 10% faster." 

This is kind of a straightforward, obvious boost here. If you want to speedrun the game or sequence break things, this would be the way to go.

The set boost for this set is: "Every *unique* enemy you defeat of a given type increases your damage against that particular type by 1%, and your damage taken from them is reduced by 1% as well."

This set boost doesn't "reset on each level", but it technically does, given that no enemies overlap between levels. What this essentially means though is that if you defeat a fire grunt in the Fire Level, then you gain 1% increased damage against ALL fire grunts, and you take 1% less damage... but if you re-enter that room and kill that same fire grunt again, you don't gain anymore boosts, it has to be unique fire grunts that you didn't already kill.


And now, the second set and its theme; "Pets"!



The set boost for this set is: "If Talia is at full health, she can charge her charge shot to a final level, and when released, her charge shot goes off "internally"; this makes all of her damage abilities amplify 3x (and thus she heals 3x more too), but her health now drains constantly at a rate of 5 HP a second until it hits 1 HP. At this point, all three of her powerups are disabled as well as this set boost until she hits 100 HP again."

#4 - Shiba Inu (Offensive Powerup)

This powerup is from Japan, being the birthplace of such dogs, and also, many, many memes and cute dog pictures.

The boost it gives is "Every time you damage an enemy, you get 5% of your damage done as health back, but health orbs get reduced to 50% effectiveness." 

This powerup reflects on dogs being hunters, chasing down prey and then eating it, etc. but the health orb punishment reflects on the small size of the Shiba Inu, meaning its capacity isn't too much for storing energy.

#5 - Harz Roller Canary (Utility Powerup)

This powerup is from Germany (two GER powerups in the mixed category!), and is a breed of bird specific to the region.

The boost it gives is "The player can now press the jump button a second time to hover in the air for up to 3 seconds. They can move left to right very slowly during this, and fire as well." 

This powerup is fairly unique even among utility powerups, in that it has a number of uses, like avoiding enemy fire, making a slightly larger jump, jumping up and hovering at a ledge a bit away to attack enemies sitting there, etc.

#6 - Maine Coon Cat (Defensive Powerup)

This powerup is from the USA, the main place this cat can be found.

The boost it gives is "Enemies are now the ones bounced backwards when you run into them (Talia isn't bounced backwards), and you damage them equal to 20% of whatever your current health is." 

This powerup reflects that the Maine Coon is one of the largest breeds of housecat, so it allows Talia to throw her weight around, so to speak. Talia still takes damage, but for those of you who hated being bounced away from enemies, this is a good powerup for you.

This set boost is essentially "unleashing the primal instincts" within her, sort of a "last desperation" attack. It can allow you to plow through enemies, but once you hit 1 HP, you're going to be incredibly weak as all of your powerups won't work until you hit 100 HP again.


That's it for now; sometime next Monday, if all goes well, we'll be showing off the new editor on stream!




no bestiality?


In my opinion the effects of the cat and dog power ups should be switched. Cats are known to be nature's perfect killing machines for a reason you know! lol


And Besides. No one has a guard cat, but guard dogs are a definite thing!


Will those powerups be picked up inside the levels or will they be toggled between levels like the skulls in the halo series?


No, none of my games will have loli, shota, bestiality, guro, incest, scat/pee. Anything else is on the table, though.


They'll be found in a number of ways; - Defeating enemies, sometimes they'll drop them - Some databanks will have a small minigame to play, if you lose, you take damage, if you win, you get a powerup - Some areas will have them hidden in little alcoves, etc. - Some cutscenes/storyline events will award you them


A Shiba Inu powerup, eh? Wow.


Speaking of levels: there is a question I've been meaning to ask. Is this game going to be a true metroivania, as in one big map you go anywhere you want? Or will it be like Crysis, the levels are open-ended but you move from one level to the next linearly?




It's more like Crysis, yeah, each level will have a huge map, where you can go down path 1/2/3/4/5/6 in any order you choose, but then you'll need to progress onto the newly unlocked 7th path after completing those 6 to fight the boss and advance to the next level. Additionally, you won't be able to backtrack to previous levels (partially because of lore, since usually when Talia exits a level the consequences of her defeating the boss thoroughly destroy the level, and partially due to logistics, if we allowed players to do this, trying to have any semblance of an orderly storyline with all the cutscenes would be nearly impossible).


Oh yeah, they know :) To be fair though, the only new aspect we've introduced that actually increased the content that we didn't plan for is the powerups; every other aspect (endings, cutscenes, levels, enemies, traps, etc.) we all had planned for from the getgo :P