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First adult featured game on the front page in over 3 years! (Of course, this also means we're getting a lot of people who are just ignoring the opening storyline summary and/or the controls and/or the troubleshooting, but... :P)



By the time this game is done you might be on the list for best metroidvania game of the decade.


If that happened, I'd be pretty hype, especially if it broke through into the mainstream, which is my goal when it comes to making adult games in the first place (getting the mainstream to realize that just because a game has hentai, it doesn't mean it's automatically going to be sub-par quality gameplay/writing/audio etc.)


Wow, nice! It really is a shame that the folks at Newgrounds decided to stop featuring adult games on the front page and stop giving them the regular rewards (1st, 2nd and 3rd place daily/weekly trophies). Maybe they have finally changed their mind?


Tom Fulp talked to me a bit about it, and basically yeah, they just were on the fence about doing it for so long because of a lot of policies both on and off-site, but I think with this they've went back to being okay with adult stuff on the site. :D


Let the flood of new patreons begin.


I'm not surprised. You guys did good.


I played this totally random on newgrounds (a site i really rarely use) and after playing through this demo, i immediatly signed up for patreon and did my first "donation" (quotation marks cause when you get demos and a product this well produced i dont see it as a donation) - honestly great work, still extatic about having found this gem!


Glad you liked it so much! :D (To clarify, no money is taken out of your account until the start of each month, just so you know.) I sent you the old Ice Demo, as well.


yeah i saw the game on newgrounds and well tried it out and enjoyed it , and guys you did a damn great job might try getting that 10$ pledge next time O:


Moment I finished the demo I went searching for more. This is fantastic work. Can't wait to try more, already signed up to pledge. This deserves every cent. Great job! :)