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So your responses to the "Gallery Mode" stuff was overwhelming!

I'm sorry I didn't reply to the comments, but that's because most of my replies would have just been a copy-paste and such, so I figured it'd be better to just do a post about it!

To clarify a bit on what we can/can't do;

- The gallery mode would be entirely separate from normal gameplay, and you'd need to access it from the main menu. This is because if we tried to weave it into the game's rooms, the plot and gameplay trainwreck that would result from this would be astronomical, haha.

- What we'll likely do is mess with the plot to keep things "possible"; I was personally thinking of having the gallery mode room be a room that Talia is "accidentally teleported into" when one of the save/teleport pads malfunction (aka, when you pick Gallery Mode). Beyond that, we'd need to think of a valid reason for her to get back to "the real game" as well as have an actual incentive to fuck the enemies willingly, etc. So if we can figure that out (making it not break immersion), as well as make it easy to access animations, then we might go with that. If not, we'll do the usual gallery mode, but of course that'll be fleshed out/robust even then.

- The gallery mode itself will be something that's worked on near the end of development, or in bits and pieces here and there, as it's a lower priority compared to getting the actual full game done, but we guarantee it'll be in there as well as have options and full access to all the sex scenes/animations in the game, etc. :)

- For save-scumming to get all the cutscenes/paths, you're free to do that, but note that you would probably be better off just playing through entirely, as the game's menu will show you what cutscenes you've done, what choices you picked, and what cutscenes that triggered later on down the road, so it might be easier to keep things organized/remember what you had or hadn't done by just playing straight through. We won't stop you or anything like that from doing this, though!

We'll have a normal post in a few days :)



Maybe you could do a pheromone aphrodisiac in the "gallery" make Talia want it that way.


Look at kyrieru's gallery for Eroico. It's essentially small levels with 3 of each enemy in small groups. Bosses at the end of the levels and branching paths to make them easier to pass.


Just to be sure, the next month's patreon pledge WILL have a demo attached, right?


You could almost do it in a way that she's meditating on her past experiences to learn from. She may not like it, it helps her "learn" from her mistakes.


As did I! I'd like it even more if her breaking down and falling to the temptation were to take a bit of time - maybe less and less each time she visits - that'd be kinda nice. EDIT: ...now I'm thinking of a "bad end" caused by using the gallery too many times in a row, like something from Corruption of Champions. That'd be a dick move. But an enjoyable one!


Yeah, but Eroico also doesn't have a hard-wired story and huge amount of lore like this does, so we have to take that into account when designing something like an interactive gallery :P


Yep, every month has a demo, although whether it's a brand new demo or the same one is still up for debate as Cheshire is trying to get the C++ build done as fast as he can; if he can't get it done by the end of the month, then this demo will be the same, but the next month's will absolutely, unquestionably be a brand new demo with a lotta new content. (As before, Triangulate and I are still doing new content constantly; there's actually something for the Electricity Level I can't wait to show off either on the next post or the post after it :D)


I think, i repeat my old words. Any interactive gallery is good for me. Background with the desire of Talia have sex with enemies by her own will - an additional plus for me. Even if such an opportunity will only be in the gallery and some cutscenes :D


Quick question, a bit unrelated. I recall seeing something about a stream on Picarto. When was that supposed to be again?


Is there any way to see the past broadcast, like twitch? I couldn't figure out how.


This is a really late reply, but I just now found out that Patreon has only been alerting me to when people create top-level comments (i.e. brand new comments), and HASN'T been alerting me to when people REPLY to that comment. Ugh, I'll make a post addressing this this weekend, but yeah, if I haven't replied to your posts, sorry, I literally didn't know they were there! About the bad end being used by the gallery too many times, we've actually had something different planned for that for a LONG time, but to talk about it now might be a spoiler :P it won't occur in FF though, it'll be in the other games I'm working on, haha.


"Beyond that, we'd need to think of a valid reason for her to get back to "the real game" as well as have an actual incentive to fuck the enemies willingly... " Maybe Faye is subjecting Talia to the experience (or vice versa, based on who won). Maybe it's a just some kind of exhibitionist sex show.


Why would the enemies/soldiers obey Faye, and why would either of them be exhibitionists? :P