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Hey, back again! 

So first off, here's an answer to one of the AMA questions;

In response to your mention of a Gallery Mode, would you consider having this interactive rather than being a set part of the menu, for instance Talia walking into the fire level 'break room' and being able to request sex from coffee sipping npcs once the level is completed?

We're not too sure on this one; would all of you prefer this over a normal "scroll through the cutscenes/animations and pick what one you want to see" Gallery Mode? Let us know in the comments!


And now, for the powerups! This time around, we've got four standalone powerups and another one of the "negative" powerups!

If you missed the first powerups post on how powerups work, go back and look at it patreon.com/posts/4840446 there!

To note again, these objects are not the actual physical representation of these objects; picking them up doesn't actually give Talia a paintbrush to use, etc.

So, counter-clockwise, from the upper left, the first four of them are Offense powerups;

#1 - "Tokin" aka "と" Shogi Piece

This one is in here for uh... reasons. Not gonna say anymore than that, haha.

The boost it gives is rather complex, so we'll likely summarize this in the in-game pause menu for this powerup. Anyways; "For every enemy that Talia kills, her charge shot gains a stack of damage multiplier akin to +10%, up to a maximum of 200% total increased damage, but this only functions for one charge shot; after they've used said charge shot, the increased damage drops back down to normal damage." See what I mean?

#2 - Night Attack on the Sanjō Palace Scroll

This one is also in the game for uh, reasons, that again I can't say anymore about. Sorry! It'll be more clear in the full game (or as time goes on, that is).

The boost it gives is "Attacking an enemy from behind (the enemy's hit in the back) will deal 50% more damage." If you read the legend of this scroll (it's an actual real story!) then it'll probably make more sense why we picked this particular stat boost.

#3 - Banana

The national fruit of quite a few places, it's one of a few food-item based powerups that you'll see as time goes on.

The boost it gives is "Talia gets a damage boost relevant to how fast she's currently moving (so if she's running, she goes up by 0.5 extra damage)" This is in reference to how quickly bananas actually digest in the body, and how they're used as fuel for runners as they're easy to eat/digest, quick to peel, easy to hold while running, the list goes on and on.

#4 - Australian Meat Pie

Another food item (told you there'd be more of those!), this time representing an Australian delicacy.

The boost it gives is "For each enemy that is on screen, Talia's damage multiplier goes up by x0.5." This was picked to represent the main place that these are eaten, during sports games where the crowd riles itself up with fellow fans amplifying the intensity of other fellow fans, etc.

And now, for the remaining powerup, the "negative" one;

#5 - Whip

As this is a negative powerup, be ready for a hefty dose of downgrades to Talia using this, but hey, it's not all bad; remember, having this equipped gets you Egomaniac Mode!

The boost it gives is "All of Talia's shots fade away inches away from her, so she has to be very close to enemies to do damage, and all of her attacks done while jumping , crouching or moving are reduced to their lowest power (10 HP damage). Additionally, she cannot use any damage-amplifying powerups or powerups that increase the rate of fire, and her invincibility period is reduced to 25% of what it normally is. Healing orbs no longer drop, however, killing enemies heals her for 1 HP.

Sounds pretty brutal, but there ARE other powerups you could use to blunt and soften how much of a downgrade this is!


The progress report stuff!

FINALLY the tax stuff is done with Cheshire, so he's going to finish C++ before the month's up ideally, and we'd have a very, very bare bones demo at the end of the month.

Next month though, the demo would be packed with a lot of really neat stuff, as to what specifically we're deciding still, but it'll definitely have a lot of new content.

Triangulate, Cheshire and I spent most of the last day or two discussing mechanics and gimmicks for the Electric Level, namely that robot we were talking about last time (Triangulate has all the art done for it now), wanting to make sure it worked well, so forth within the mechanics and storyline of the game.

I'm still working on maps/cutscenes as always, but also continuing to design enemies for even farther off levels (Earth and The End), so those can get started once Triangulate's done with the Electric Level enemies.


That's it for now; I'll be doing a live stream this Friday to just talk about what's going on with the game as well as other games we're working on and other cool stuff! Time is TBA, but it'll be on Picarto. :) Please feel free to give me more AMA questions in the comments or messages too!




I kind of like the uniqueness of the cut scene idea. Though you likely would want it accessible as a menu option.

Rodolfo Barajas

Holy crap, the idea of having the replay mode being walking into an area where the NPCs are acting casual and requesting sex is hilarious. Definitely something I would want to see. I think that's something that I haven't seen besides taking "prisoners" into a jail cell and visiting the cell to replay the scene. This idea I think is a much better version of that.


The reply idea sounds fun


Any idea about interactive gallery is awesome for me. Simple menu with opportunity just switch animations is very boring and does not give the feeling of participation :(

Sierra Teylaas

Definitely in favor of having the repay menu be an interactive "level" design.


interactive gallery + interactive animation phase change


I love the idea of talia walking into a room to request sex


The interactive gallery idea is something I'd like to see, if possible.


Interactive room with previously hostile enemies sipping coffee or sitting on a couch would be great! =D


Have you ever played Parasite in City? I loved the gallery in that game, because the protagonist was in a dungeon in a helpless pose, and as you select the characters, a gate is opened and they come in to fuck her. It fit the game's niche of her being that last girl alive and how helpless her sex scenes are. However, it lacked a way to choose animations, as most do, so if something similar is done, that'd be nice :P I would NOT like it to be like Eroico's gallery though, where you have to walk all the way to the enemy. Some enemies would end up too far away, and it's just less convenient. If you do that, I hope it is very well arranged. And making it something like walking up to a coffee sipping monster would be pretty fucking troll (MY IMMERSION...).


The idea of a "Casual Sex Room" sounds great, it really does, but a normal Gallery at the main menu just sounds so good to me. I mean what if I'm at the Boss room and want to see a scene, unless the Sex Rooms were strewn across the whole map I'd have to go all the way back just to see it and then all the way back to the Boss, versus just going to the main menu and loading back in to where I was. It's more convenient I suppose to have a Gallery option in the Menu, at least in my eyes. As always though, whatever you choose I will be happy with :D The game is great and so is the team working on it


I'd rather it just be a regular "menu". Simple, effective, no mess, no hassle. I've got a question: considering that this game has multiple paths, how does the team feel about players "save-scumming" (abusing save points to choose the best result)? Will the game take steps to ensure players have to commit to a given path?


Id love the gallery to be interactive as mentioned but only if it can be worked on parallel to the game or be implemented at the end of development (aka not being a distraction) otherwise im happy with a regular menu


In all honesty, an interactive gallery I think would be a lot of fun. However, it should be something that should be easy to access, but difficult to unlock. Such as, putting it in a locked room at the beginning of the fire level, but only unlocks after the first game completion and each animation requires a set amount of unlocked databanks or something of that nature. Anyway, just my opinion


The idea of a interactive break room would be a great idea, IMO.


i would prefer begin able to ASK the npcs. seems more interactive, and i do love me some interactive stuff.


Yeah definitely give the ability to walk up to npcs after you've encountered them with a confirmation screen for which particular animation after thats been seen in game