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Hey, I promise there'll be a full post later today, just wanted to make sure you didn't think we died; I got a bit sick over the last few days and so I've been in and out of consciousness (it's nothing life threatening, just a really bad flu), finally pretty healthy again, etc.

Triangulate and Cheshire are still working on stuff as always, Cheshire says he has 8 hours left of work before the C++ build is done, and Triangulate just showed us some attack animations for Faye; once he colors it in and cleans it up I'll try to get it on Patreon for you all, it looks pretty badass. If Cheshire gets the demo done this week, we'll likely get you a bare bones, "just showing that C++ works" demo this week, if not, then there will absolutely be a more fleshed out demo at the end of June/early July.

Finally, if you're wondering what that sound/moans poll on Tumblr was about, it's because we're going to take a slightly different approach to the moans in the game; now, instead of a pool of say, 10-15 possible moans for each stage of each animations, we'll be making "sets" of moans of about 5-6 moans each for each stage of a h-animation(slow, fast, and orgasm), and then the game will randomly pick from one of these "sets" when the sex animation triggers.

We're doing this so that the moans are still different and varied, but we wanted to keep each set somewhat "in line" with the animation, so that Talia didn't randomly sound like she was screaming her face off, then she goes back to a really quiet moan, then she goes to a normal one, all back to back, so to speak.

Also, all reward emails will go out on Sunday, June 5th!



Good to heard that you are doing well again and the game status


Gotta admit I am losing confidence here. It's been a long time since we saw anything tangible aside from polish crisis after polish crisis. Not to be blunt but at what point will we see an end to the constant delays?


I'm with Zelnik, something seems a little fishy. I really really love what you guys have going here and I want to help see it through to the end but I can't help but feel like I might be being taken for a ride. I've seen it happen to Kickstarters I've been a part of is all, I don't want it to happen to this.


Huh? Patreon sometimes messes up with showing posts, so maybe you've missed the nonstop weekly posts for the past few months with the powerups and lists of what we've completed that week, as well as sex animations in prior weeks? Or maybe you didn't see the post/get the PM about the stream I did recently where I showed multiple new things like enemies, tilesets, the mechanics for the electricity level, and so forth? (All of this will be shown on Patreon within the next post or two, of course, for anyone who missed the stream). But yeah, I've been showing tangible stuff weekly now for months; there hasn't been any delays in the game's production this entire year either, as despite Cheshire's time being taken to program the game, Triangulate and I are creating assets nonstop. This means that when Cheshire gets the C++ build done, he'll be able to quickly stick in all these assets we've both gotten done. The overall goal is completion of the game, which has had zero delays; not getting demos out isn't a delay in overall completion of the game, but starting this month, we'll be back to monthly demos, of course.


I realize, being a new pledge, you likely might feel this way, but; - I've already completed and put out another game besides this on the small games Patreon, so we're not just stringing people along and never intending to complete anything - We've been showing assets weekly for months now - The goal of the Patreon is the overall completion of the game, so there actually hasn't been any delays - On a recent stream (which I did PM everyone on the Patreon about as well as make a post in advance about it), we showed off new enemies, tilesets, mechanics, so forth, which will all be posted on Patreon in the next post or two - There's a good 8+ sex animations that Triangulate has finished, including l the Ice Boss animations, Ice Level traps, Ice Level cutscenes, etc. that we haven't posted, plus numerous other animations completed - We offer full refunds at any time with no questions asked, so if you do feel you want that, feel free to ask :) All that said, everyone working on this is serious as hell about it, we spend quite a bit of time every day working on it, discussing it, refining things, adding new content, so forth. I've personally invested $500 in Kickstarter years ago and got burned on it when they took the money and ran, which is something I'd never want to do with anyone here; no matter what, this project is getting completed. (That said, this is again why we offer refunds to people; we don't want you to support us if you feel we're not worth it.)


Thanks for all your hard work so far, and I hope to see it be completed ahead of schedule, as hard as that may be. Also, hope that the Polish IRS stuff was completed successfully.


Yep, it's all good! Cheshire should definitely be able to get stuff done this week, and regardless, Triangulate and I are constantly putting out new assets :P Thanks for the support!


I'm really hyped about the new upcoming demo. I understand the next one will be barebones but I would like to know what to expect in the end of June-early July demo. What will be new? How many new enemies, game features, etc you expect to put in? Thanks and keep up the good work.


Perhaps it's because mostly what I see in these updates usually involve "Cheshire vanished!" "Cheshire lost his computer!" "Cheshire needs money/Place to live/help with his taxes!". Also I see you keep -adding- things that on the whole don't really matter towards the completion of the game (power ups beyond what is expected from beating bosses are a good example) that generally slow down the progress. I like the game, but I feel you are going sideways, not forward. Yeah maybe the utter lack of a demo after every single promise and a REALLY disappointing series of enemies in the ice level (unless they suddenly became more intimidating than a bunch of blue lawn gnomes) makes me question the value of the progress made. So, yeah, forgive me for being less than impressed with your loss of direction from making a good H-game and into something that is starting to remind me of Mighty Number 9. I will keep at it for now but I am questioning it.


The early july/end june one IDEALLY should have; - the new map structure & new maps (which i'll talk about in a post soon, but we've semi-covered it before) - altered/new databanks to fit said new databank structure (gold databanks, green ones, silver ones) - powerups added in (not all, just some) - the guard imp added with its sex animations etc. - the missing attacks/animations from the current enemies in the ice level - talia being able to crouch and shoot That's IDEAL, but it may be more/less than this. The next month after this, Cheshire'll be working on the animation/cutscene editor, so the late july/early august demo should have more powerups, a few other tidbits here and there (like lighting and maybe some parallax stuff), and then from august onwards you should be able to expect cutscenes and so forth in each demo more and more (along with new engine things like new music/audio stuff) and we should be on the electricity level by September if all goes well with the Ice Level being complete by then too. From September on out, each level should take roughly 4-ish months to complete ideally, with C++ and the editors and so forth being done, and Electricity might not even take that long as we've already got a decent amount done for it.


played your game on kimochi while they were still alive, I think it was demo 0.12? I decided to support your project but noticed that the most recent demo doesn't have the fire level. how can I get that so I can replay it and see whatever else is new. thx!


Yep, what we're doing in regards to demos is releasing them level by level; going back to add engine upgrades and gameplay upgrades to prior levels would be a massive time sink, so once we've "completed a level", then that level won't be in any future demos until we go back to add all these additions to prior levels near the end of game development. So, basically, nothing new has been added to the Fire Level since you played it; the most updated demo for that level was the Kimochi one :)


You might be looking in the wrong places then :P We've had a total of two updates regarding Cheshire's problems over the past few months, and both of them were minor issues that were fixed the same day. What about the loads of posts and content we've put down both visually and in text? As far as things that don't matter towards the completion of the game, powerups are the only thing that wasn't planned for at the beginning of the game, but adding them in full (besides programming, which would take another week or two at best) took about 2 weeks. It really wasn't a huge detour for a massive increase in replay-ability and entertainment, so it's definitely not going "sideways". (Remember, we're not aiming to just make a game you fap to and that's it, we're aiming to make a legitimate, full fledged game with sex interjected and weaved into the game.) The enemies, as mentioned multiple times (and I mean multiple times, which leads me to believe you really *aren't* reading the posts, haha), aren't complete in the Ice Level; every one of them is missing at least one attack, and there are still yet more enemies to be added to said level, as well as all of them getting their AI and stats buffed now that powerups are in the game, as well as traps and other environmental factors we haven't added in yet either. Finally, do note that months ago we *did* mention that it would take quite some time to convert the game to C++ and that said duration would be without demos; we mentioned this in no less than 4 or 5 posts. The monthly demos are going to start up again at the end of this month, however. Comparing this to Mighty Number 9 is quite a stretch, but you're entitled to your opinion; as far as mine goes, I've got no real doubts that this game is going to get completed as fast as we can do so, it'll be solid, and there won't be many more, if any delays. As always though, if you'd like, you're free to request a refund if you feel the game isn't worth your money and such at any point. :)