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Well, guys, I had an enormous post up here, literally 5+ pages long, and Patreon just straight up ate it. *sigh* I'm just going to start writing my posts in notepad or something, because I can't count how many times this has happened in the past.

Here's a cliff notes thing of what I wrote;

- C++ build should be done in a week or so and we're aiming to have a new demo at the end of the month with new gameplay features and enemies

- Powerups were checked through and everything seems to work but we'll be playtesting it lots

- Electricity level tiles and enemies are what Triangulate is focusing on, along with parallax and such for previous levels

- Posts will still continue weekly on Patreon, but due to Triangulate wanting to keep things a surprise, we won't always be posting an animation each week, but we'll be posting lore and other things alongside our progress reports

- I'm still working on maps and cutscenes

- Monthly demos should be back to stay from this point on

- I'll be revamping the Patreon front page soon because it's really pretty outdated, and so forth.

Also, I had two more things to address that pertain to you all:

1) For a while now I've wanted to do an "AMA"-ish based post, but this whole time I've kinda answered all of your posts through the comments or PMs and such. So, what I'd like to do is just have you all post questions in this post's thread, or PM me them, and then in next week's post I'll answer them more detailed in a big post; if this becomes a thing, then maybe I'll do this each week alongside the lore + progress reports!

2) I'll be sending out Patreon Reward emails in the next week or so as well, so check your email inboxes for that :)

Sorry again for the succinctness of this post,  but it basically gets across everything I was going to say, just... not as verbose, haha.

I'm just really grateful though that you are all here supporting us, whether you kept your pledge going even during the demo hiatus, or whether you lowered it or removed it, either way, we're definitely grateful to all of you who've supported us regardless of the amount or reason or time period or anything else.

Because of you all, we're finally back to the point where we can continue monthly demos again, and I hope that as we stick more and more features into this that we've been building up, planning out, creating and getting ready over this demo hiatus period, that it'll be worth the return on investment, as it were.



Don't let it get you down. I saw the original. We appreciate all your hard work.

Mark Herrig

As far as hiatuses go they are usually worth the wait. so no biggie. we are all very happy with your status updates and lore material(I know I am) so keep up the good work and I am sure we will all bombard you with questions now that the flood gates have been opened. (insert evil laugh here) :P

Trekkie Monster

Question! A lot of adult games suffer from balancing gameplay and erotic content; you see a lot of stuff where the porn is a reward for losing a battle, or the difficulty is so high that the player gives up and watches a movie for the umpeenth time. How are you going to address these sorts of issues in Future Fragments? On a related note: can the game be controlled with one hand?


Seconding the one handed gameplay, but then why don't you play through the whole game and fap to the gallery?


In response to your mention of a Gallery Mode, would you consider having this interactive rather than being a set part of the menu, for instance Talia walking into the fire level 'break room' and being able to request sex from coffee sipping npcs once the level is completed?


I wrote out a gigantic reply to this and realized this is supposed to be for the AMA thing, lmao. I saved it though for that post :P


When creating the game, do you consider the erotic pairing first, or the scenario in which it takes place (ie. the background, the level design etc.)? Also, assuming it isn't already in the game (havn't played for a while), but would there are there/will there be less humanoid erotic pairings with Talia?


Hi, why is the game being building in C++ instead of C#? (Novice programmer here)


I'll ask Cheshire about this one for the AMA :) (man, I'm gonna have to make this a multiple-post AMA, so many questions! It's a good thing, though!)

Davidson monson

now i might be the biggest pervert in the world for asking this but in the future will there be like any kind of futanari scene cause dam i think that stuff is hot and yes you may label me a pervert for saying such things and even say i'm sick in the head but hey every dude and dudet has their fetishes, mine is futas and ebony skin.


1) What is the expected time of a complete FF? Before even that, when would be the next deoms for the remaining levels? 2) For any so-called "difficult to reach" databases throughout the game, will there be any remedy for missing database or such measures for those users not completely familiar with platform jumping games? 3) Are you guys alright with current financial backups? 4) Where would you like to sell this game through? DL? DMM? or other sites? I ask this because some countries have blocked IPs for those websites (including mine!!).