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So uh, you all sent a lot more questions than I expected!

(Also, sorry for taking so long for this particular week's weekly post; in return, I'll be doing two posts this week, one today, and another on Sunday!)

First though, to get it out of the way, this is the last post I'll make on this Patreon about Magic Matchup, but I just wanted to note that it's finished, complete, and you can get it for $5 by pledging to the Small Games Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter OR going to Itch to get it immediately at https://hentaiwriter.itch.io/magic-matchup !

(If you want an idea of a small amount of the stuff we're going to pull for the storyline and cutscene pathing in Future Fragments later on, you should check MM out. Granted, the two games will use completely different gimmicks, but yeah, we got some neat/unorthodox stuff planned for FF's storyline, for sure.)

For more info, check this Tumblr post; http://hentaiwriter.tumblr.com/post/144157791409/im-happy-to-announce-that-the-first-game-for-the

Now, with that all out of the way, let's get to the AMA stuff, and then a progress report after that on the game!


So what I'll be doing is responding to each of the questions and such; if you want your name to be by the question you asked, let me know and i'll retroactively add it to the post! First up, we've got four questions here all in a row asked by the same person;

"What is the expected time of a complete FF? Before even that, when would be the next demos for the remaining levels?"

Right now, we're likely looking at around September to December 2017, I'd estimate, at the latest. Now that the engine is mostly complete, we should have a lot faster updates on the game, but we still have three whole levels left, multiple new additions to the game mechanically and graphically, a full soundtrack to compose, all that stuff, so on.

"For any so-called "difficult to reach" databases throughout the game, will there be any remedy for missing database or such measures for those users not completely familiar with platform jumping games?"

There's a few things we have in mind for this;

- Some of the powerups will increase your jump height, or allow you to float for a bit, or your running speed (and thus jump length), so on. These aren't only here to allow you to avoid enemies and such, but they're also there to allow you to navigate the game better.

- We also don't plan to make any of the databanks that you would need to get for sex scenes something that would require a lot of difficulty; the "prizes" for doing the ridiculously obscenely hard platform areas would be more along the lines of easter egg-esque stuff, and there should only be 2 or 3 of them in the whole game.

"Are you guys alright with current financial backups?"

Right now we're doing pretty fine; Triangulate and Cheshire are doing fine financially, and with the second Small Games Patreon, I'm doing finally decent myself financially, so there's no forseeable way we're going to suddenly go broke in the future unless Patreon suddenly closes down, and that's highly, highly unlikely. :P That said, if we DO get more and more Patrons, that's going to allow us to have excess money, which we can then pool back into the game to pay for things like CG artists :D

"Where would you like to sell this game through? DL? DMM? or other sites? I ask this because some countries have blocked IPs for those websites (including mine!!)."

We'll be selling this game on a wide variety of sites, from Nutaku, to DLSite, to Itch.io, and more.

Worst case scenario, if you absolutely can't buy the game because of whatever reason, and you can prove you're over 18, send us an email and we'll figure out some way for you to get the game.

(Note too, if you've been pledging on here long enough that you've accumulated $10 worth of pledges, you're getting the game free at launch, so that bypasses all those problems!)


Next up, we've got a question about futas;

"now i might be the biggest pervert in the world for asking this but in the future will there be like any kind of futanari scene cause dam i think that stuff is hot and yes you may label me a pervert for saying such things and even say i'm sick in the head but hey every dude and dudet has their fetishes, mine is futas and ebony skin."

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but there's no futa scenes in this game.

(That said, other stuff we're working on WILL have futa, but Future Fragments is gonna be futa-free; sorry!)

Also, I'm sure lots of people following this game like futa; there's nothing wrong with that/you, no worries!


And now, a question that I had Cheshire answer;

"Hi, why is the game being building in C++ instead of C#? (Novice programmer here)"

His reply was that he doesn't think there's anything wrong with C#, but he's been coding in C++ for well over a decade, so it's much more comfortable to him than trying to do the game in a language he hasn't coded any games in before. Pretty straightforward, haha!


Now, the progress report on things;

- Triangulate has ALL the powerup art done, for all 50 of them (and holy shit, does it look good. I'd share it here but he would probably kill me, but man, he just keeps outdoing himself with each piece of art, it's ridiculous.) He's now finishing the basic "core" for the Electric level tiles (all the ground/wall/ceiling tiles and some of the background ones), and they look just as good :D

He's also shown me a few animations he's done for things like sex scenes in cutscenes, including one for the sex machine trap in the Electric Level, and we're going to do a kinda unique mechanic (as in it hasn't been done in a level in FF yet, I mean) with it, so that should be pretty neat.

- Cheshire's almooooost done with the C++ build, he's just had to do a few extra things regarding taxes (he thought he was done, but his tax guy informed him of some extra hoops he had to jump through), so we're still totally on schedule to get a new demo out to everyone come June 1st (or close to it!)

- I'm still working on new maps, and fleshing out cutscenes for future demos/the full game (since we won't have the new cutscenes in the NEXT demo, as Cheshire has to do the animation and cutscene editors after he gets the C++ build completed).

But, like Triangulate, both of us are making tons of forward progress on the full game as a whole, and then once Cheshire gets the engine and editors done, Triangulate will be able to plug in all the animations he's done himself, I'll be able to plug in all the cutscenes and maps, so on.

All of this, of course, will cut development time by a good deal with both of us handling a lot of that manual work that Cheshire had to do before, allowing him to concentrate on just adding more and more cool shit to the engine.

Again, if you want to ask us questions for part 2 of the AMA in a few days, feel free to leave me a message on Patreon, or reply to the comments for this post! :D

As always too, thanks so much for supporting us, seriously. We wanna make sure we deliver the best game possible to you all (I'm still really excited to see what you'll all think of the Ice and Electricity bosses when we get those out too, the mechanics for them are not something you often see in a platformer/run n' gun game, haha.)



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