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For those of you who didn't get a reward email this month, you should still get it in a few days (as well as the one for next month), gmail is being stupid with spam stuff.

EDIT: To clarify, as I was cut off from finishing this by some IRL stuff, essentially Gmail, when you send a lot of similar emails to people all at once, starts thinking you're a spambot and either outright blocks the emails from being sent, or just sends them to people's spamboxes without said people even knowing.

(The similar emails in this case, being the $10 and $5 rewards ones, because there's so many of them; I already sent off all the higher tiers for this month).

So, to combat this, I try to send the emails off in small bunches each day, but as there is a record high this month of pledges, I'm spilling a bit over into next month, so those of you who didn't get their emails yet at the $10 and $5 levels for the optional reward, you should have them shortly.

(Note that the optional rewards isn't regarding the demo; I send that through Patreon messages nearly instantly once your pledge clears.)

Thanks again for your patience on this and everything else, can't wait to get the new demo out (we're getting closer and closer to finishing it!)


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