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If you pledged successfully in November or December, check your Patreon inbox, cause the demo link is in there! :D

(If you pledged successfully in october too but not in Nov. or Dec. send me a PM, I just didn't want to spam multiple-month contributors with messages etc.)

And for those of you who started pledging in January, as soon as your pledges clear, I'll send you the demo too!



Hey would it be possible to implement a zoom feature?


The new level looks very nice, but it's a LOT of map to go through without a save point. For future demos you might want to include a button that let's people 'skip' a map so they can test out the various defeat animations without starting the entire level over each time.


When the small aliens started stacking... omg. Worth the frustration of waiting through the programmer issues.


Note that if you pick "easy" mode at the start, it saves your progress at the start of each map, and you can also edit the map you want to jump to by editing your data.sav file :)


Make sure you check both the clothed and unclothed animations :D and just wait until you see the new enemies actually get their attacks for the C++ version (not to mention what we've got planned for the boss haha)


I really like how the H-animations work for the small guys, i hope you do something like that with more enemies down the road. Also i really enjoy the level design, it has a calming feeling about it in contrast to fire level which felt dangerous. I look forward to seeing how things progress from here, keep up the good work.


Ugh...of all the times to pledge January 2nd :(


You mentioned during the LewdGamer stream that there was a bug with the small Celodst where a third wouldn't join in; that definitely exists. I could be smack in the middle of a big hoard of the little buggers, and a third would stop mere inches away from the pile and just about-face, like he was singlemindedly protecting a given perimeter. It looks like they only join in if the sex is within a given range and I was just barely out of their reach. Also: I believe the sixth map has no decent way of reaching the Databank if you mess up a dash. The ledges are too high to jump back up to reach them. You have to either die or reset the game to get another shot. Lots of fun in this, though: I feel the same level of quality as with the earlier Fire levels, so it looks like this is gonna be all kinds of fun once the C++ versions are out. ^_^


yeah, this didn't exist like, just a build or so ago, so i'm gonna chalk it up to something new that got added in this version. it CAN happen, it's just super, super rare. This should definitely be fixed in the C++ level, so yeah :D And yeah, while I will be reworking all these maps for the full game, from this point on, backtracking isn't always going to be an option, but we will give the player the option to "replay" a level if they'd like, more than likely. Thanks again for sticking with this man :)


We'll guaranteed have at least one more enemy like this (they were a Patron request), but I can't promise how many other enemies will have this etc.) Glad ya liked it, though!


Great demo as always. Loved all the new animations and the entire feel of the level. Keep up the awesome work!


Just a heads up, i ran across a small glitch. Upon reading the third codex entry, the text began to slightly quiver. I tried to continue through the entry but the game immediately stopped responding and I had to force quit. After rebooting I noticed I could see assets pop in during load times. I'll keep you updated to see if i can recreate it.


Okay, that text quivering is uh... kinda creepy, like, that sounds like something i'd put in as a feature, but it actually isn't haha. The assets popping in is a side effect of the unfinished code, for the optimized C++ version that shouldn't be a problem. :)


I remember one one of the earlier streams that you mentioned there was quite a few animations in the ice level. Have those not been put into the game yet? (only found 6 [clothed/unclothed per enemy type], might be missing something) Also curious about when we'll get to see the implementation of some of those animation-cutscenes we got a peek of. :D


Liked the demo, only thing I noticed was it slowed down when more than a couple enemies were on/about to be on screen (didn't have that problem with the fire level demo 012), though reading the comments here you're working on another build, so we'll have to see how that goes.


Thanks for your hard work, guys!


Why didn't I receive the demo yet :( ?


Oh, good! Just recently came across this project and was hoping to get the latest demo even though I just started this month.

Jonathan Marlow

I can't seem to access patreon on my pc, the app on my phone can, I don't know why my pc can't! It said there was an internal error and then later on it said the Webpage is offline


Yep, as it notes on the beginning screen the code here is heavily unoptimized for GM, once it's brought into C++ this won't be an issue anymore etc.


The current sex animations for the ice level are; - 6 for the small Celodst (3 unclothed, 3 clothed) - 2 for the Ice Grunt - 2 for the tall Celodst The full level will have an Ice Trap or two (places she can get caught in the level and stuff happens), at least two sex-scene cutscenes, 2 animations from the Guard Celodst enemy, and two more, with one of them being extended, from the boss.


I can't figure out how to PM you through Patreon. I'm pretty sure I pledged for October if you don't mind looking and sending the demo if I did.


First of all love the demo! This game shows a lot of promise! ^^... But if you know me by now I'm always full of constructive criticism... So let's get to it. So my largest gripe was that the collision boxes on the hanging icicles that you shoot down to open a hole was finicky. I had to try several times on a few to get the right angle to hit them even though I was clearly clipping them. Secondly On easy mode I felt the restart at the beginning of the room was a bit wonky in an aspect... That is that you were respawned always to the same entrance when you die no matter which direction you reenter the room. Example: Say I traversed a long room and got near the end and saw a new enemy at the end and tell myself "I'd like to see that enemies sex animation"... Well I'd leave the room because the exit is just there and then come back and lose to the enemy due to the assumption that I'd respawn where I reentered the room so I wouldn't have the do the whole room over... That is not the case currently and I was forced to redo the whole room... Lastly and this may be a bit of a touchy subject... But I think there currently too much telling and not enough showing of the storyline... I Get the whole filling in the player with the world you are creating (That does seem well written and thought out don't get me wrong) But I feel the consoles are just too long and they disrupt the flow of the game play... You platform for a bit.. you evade enemies a bit... And then you read the lore for more than half the time... I feel you would get a stronger game if you got more diary snippits and incomplete short statements from the consoles that the player have to piece together to figure out the story rather than these long full expositions... I think you can sell the rest of the story in the level design like evidence of the wreckage from the great war and maybe science gear and lab equipment. Now after saying all this I feel like I may have been a bit harsh... hopefully This is taken constructively and not personally. Anyways good luck on your future endeavors!


Yep, the Icicle stuff is a pain in the ass, and will definitely be addressed in the C++ version, either by making their hitbox larger, or making the shot not get clipped by the tiles, etc. Well, the respawn is specifically at the beginning of a room; coding in the ability to respawn SPECIFICALLY where you died would be a monster of a coding job, and it would also lead to logistical problems; for example, let's say you die right after completing a puzzle to open up a door, and that puzzle isn't able to be backtracked to once you've left the puzzle, but you're partway to the door. If you respawn there, you won't be able to reach the puzzle, and so you can't open the door, so you'd have to wipe your entire game; that's why we make you respawn at the start of the map. As far as the storyline, we've addressed this a few times, but this is something that will be MAJORLY addressed in the C++ version; there will be no less than 10 cutscenes per level, all storyline related, as well as sex cutscenes, which will also tell some storyline, and databanks will be recolored in order of storyline importance, so if you only want to see cutscenes you'll get the gist of the story, read the gold databanks to get a little more storyline, read the green ones to get more universe building, so forth. Additionally, once Talia reads a databank, she'll have a 1-2 sentence summary, vocalized, of what she thought of the databank, so people can tl;dr it. This will allow the player to have as much or as little immersion as they want, without impeding gameplay.

Jonathan Marlow

Can't wait till February 1st :)


Is the game getting rendered multiple times? I noticed that rivatuner gives me multiple fps overlays as if there are multiple windows at different resolutions open.


It's telling me I need a decryption key to download the demo.


Yep, this is part of the garbage/unoptimized code that'll be fixed for the C++ version. :)


The decryption key is part of the complete link; make sure you copy and paste it with no spaces at all, if you still have problems, definitely PM me :)


I don't want to sound like a horrible bastard now.. but when's the next demo due? I liked this "preview" despite the small lag problems and what not. And now I really look forward to the next part!


Great job! but its seems a little bit short. The room which Taila first met Ice Grunt is nowhere to go, is that really the end of the demo?


After having played the demo, I am asking myself what the transition between the fire and the ice level will be. I hope there's gonna be a cutscene for that. Is the ice level just outside the fire level facility or will there be a time gap (exit the fire level and Talia travel a couple of days to the ice cave for the ice level)??


Nope, the ice level and the fire level are literally next door; there's even a few databanks that talk about how this is possible, but for the tl;dr, the ice level is a simulated environment.


For the next two months, we have to convert the game into C++ and HTML5, as well as make a cutscene editor, so once we get all that underway, we'll probably put out another demo a month after that to show off the C++ changes at a basic level, and then we'll continue back with monthly demos after that.


안녕하세요 오늘부터 후원자가된사람입니다 최신데모버전은어디서 다운받을수있나요?


HentaiWriter 데모보전은 어디서 다운받을수있는건가요????


As your pledge hasn't went through yet, I can't send the demo; once it does, I'll send you it :)


So... what is the fourth enemy on the ice level? I mean, the fire level have grunt, zombie, hulk and demon... but in the ice demo i saw only two types of celodst and the ice grunt. Maybe you have already written about fourth enemy and i just missed it? :\


there's a mini boss that was detailed during a lewgamer stream. short little guy with a shield on his back and a spear.


The fourth enemy is the Guard Celdost, basically a short, fat Celdost with a javelin and a huge shield on his back. He slides along, slowly inching towards Talia with his back turned to her, then spins and lunges towards her with the javelin, sliding as he does so; this is the only time Talia can do damage to him. If Talia shoots him in the back though, he absorbs the hit and takes no damage, and then his shots become super-charged for a bit, flying across the screen quickly and doing extra damage. I'll be placing him in areas you can't jump over him, and unlike all other enemies so far, you can't run past him; you'll just bounce off of him, so he'll be basically treated as a mini-boss.


Oh it's working now. For some reason copy-pasting didn't work but just clicking the link itself did.


Hey there, was hoping to get a link for the latest build of the demo. Don't know if my pledge has gone through yet tho.


Uh... where's Patreon Inbox? I completed first pledging a few hours ago but i cannot find where a demo link is...


Go to your icon in the upper right, and go down to messages, that's where the inbox is at :)

Rhys Lawson

I just submitted a pledge a few days back, though I'm guessing I'll be without the game for another week or so until the pledges are cleared...