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We're not going to remove the filters from the game, but we just wanted to see what you thought about them being on by default, and also if you preferred them on or off in general.


Vote on the strawpoll there!



Filters sure looks ugly so I rather have them off by default.


I find the filter more usefull when changing resolutions. It is the goal of the filter to smooth out the image. But when you have the correct resolution diplayed, inage look sharper without filter. Question: why is it a implemented ot not thing? why not have a on/off switch in the options? I mean, it 's already there and working right?


TP's got some amazing spritework and coloring done for this game, so I occasionally shut off the filters just to get a nice eyeful of Talia's amazingly-rendered skin, but I generally don't mind the filters in the game to begin with. The game looks great without them, but I normally don't even notice they're on in the first place.


hey could i get a download link, my payment should have gone through by now.


There is an on/off option in the game right now, listed in both the readme and etc. we just don't have an options menu yet, but we will :)


Right now Patreon is having some problems with pledges, I'm not sure what's going on but I've tweeted and emailed them both, currently no one's pledges have went through for January :X this should be cleared up within a day or two :P


I usually turn them all off I believe and play in fullscreen. Game just looks sharper and less straining for the eyes.


Some of them are passable, but one of them (and I can never remember which one) just makes the game look blurry. If I wanted it blurred, I'd take my glasses off before I played. Plus, apparantly my game is running at about half-speed anyway, so every little helps.


i would like BOTH, so you can CHOSE what you like best. :)


They aren't getting rid of them, they're asking if you use them or not. What do YOU like best?


I don't generally use the filters. I like the idea of having an option to turn them on/off.