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First, let me say Merry Xmas to everyone who celebrates that (and make sure to click the post to see the gif animate!); second, let me say that I'm pretty frustrated with things, by a long shot.

It's been two months since we've gotten a demo out to you all, and that's unforgivable. Triangulate and I have been continually doing work, but Cheshire has been nearly unable to upload the demo for a good deal of the last month or so, despite our best efforts to fix this, and of course his medical problems.

We're still trying to get him a way to upload the demo, as well as get him some way to stay in contact with us more often, don't get me wrong, but yeah, we decided something has to change, because we don't think it's fair to you all the way things have went for the past month or two.


So, that said, three things;

1) This upcoming demo, whenever we can get ahold of Cheshire to finally get it out, is likely going to be the last one for another two or so months after that. The reason why is that we REALLY need to convert the game to C++, being that the way it's coded in GM right now is making it so bloated that a lot of you can't even play it, so continuing to release demos and delaying the C++ stuff would be kind of pointless at this rate.

Do note, that during all of this, we're continuing to make progress on both the writing and artistic fronts, which leads us to point #2;


2) Every week, from now until another demo AFTER this next Ice Level Demo is posted, I'll be showing off level designs on paper, and/or upcoming/planned cutscenes/lore for the game in text format. (I would post some of that this week on my end, but holidays! I'll have lots next weekend, plus this post is pretty text heavy as it is!)

We're doing both of these not only to continue to give you content during the break in demos, but also so you can see that your pledges AREN'T just sitting around (nor have they ever been); they are actively contributing to the progress of this game towards it's final release/completion.


3) The "if you want a refund please ask and we'll happily give you one" rule is still in effect, so if you want a refund for the last month or two, or even for the duration of your time on Patreon pledging to this game, please don't hesitate to ask; we'll give you one, no questions asked.

We're going to try our damndest to make this game's demo releases a lot smoother in 2016, but I can guarantee you that we are continuing to create content for it/get it closer to release practically every day, and that's *entirely* thanks to all of you supporting us, so yeah, it's REALLY appreciated, seriously.




It's good as long as you try your best!


Happy holidays! I will look forward to some great artwork.


Enjoy your holidays friend, hope to see something amazing soon!


Happy holidays dood.


Nothing I wouldn´t expect. Projects are chaotic, and shit happens, people drop out, somebody dies, you push on. You´ll make it through, just hunt for a couple of backup names, and keep the source code. Also, merry Xmas. :)


add more impregnation moments and I will increase the money I am donating ;)


Keep up the great work, and have a Merry Christmas!


As a programmer I understand, but still a bit disappointed that I won't be getting a demo anytime soon since I only started pledging this month.


For anyone who DIDN'T get the previous Ice Demo, let me know, and I'll send it to you; that's also a part of our apology, one that I forgot to put in there, but I was going to send it out automatically to everyone at the end of the month, so yeah!


There won't ever be LITERAL impregnation (as in, she ACTUALLY gets pregnant), but one of the backer requests was for "fertilization", so we will eventually have that in there, you just won't see the actual outcome of it; there'll also be enemies cumming in her a lot, filling her up once she's at 0HP, etc.


Works for me, I just increased my pledge by 5 bucks. Happy holidays. More fertilization= more money from me!


Then no issues with that. Hope you guys have everything sorted out soon.


Thank you for the transparency and keeping us updated on what's happening. Happy holidays and best wishes to the team!


Thanks so much; again, I can't tell you how much it means that you're all sticking with this despite the ridiculous amount of bad luck we've been having lately. This game will come out, hell or high water, so yeah :D


It's the least we can do, honestly, I've been getting stomach pains from the stress of trying to do everything I can to get these demos out, and it's extremely frustrating to me that all this has happened, believe me; at least for now, we can give you all animations/level designs/lore/etc. until things get remedied. Happy holidays to you too :)


Happy Holidays! Looking forward to the animations :)


Merry Christhannaquanzikamas, you guys are trying to make progress, so I'm gonna stick with ya. Some games in development either stop updating or remake their game constantly. You know removing animations or features that had worked in previous versions, to aggravation of all of us supporters. With Future Fragments it has been a long sting of bad luck that hopefully can be broken in 2016. Keep up the good work.


I'm really enjoying all your work so far and I feel terrible for Cheshire, I wish there was something more I could do. And as others have said, thank you for your honesty.


I have never felt cheated by supporting you guys due to how open you are when stuff pops up. Hope all will go well soon for you guys and has a Happy holiday!


Thanks a lot for your efforts, I know is pretty stressful trying to accomplish a lot, but having reality step in the way more often than it should. I trust you guys, keep up the good work, and enjoy it! :)


So 1: taking a month or two off from progressing the game to switch to C++. Fair enough 2: Showing an animation every week as a way to make sure all your backers know that stuff is actually happening, even if we aren't getting new demos yet. 3: Still offering refunds. Ok yeah, I can't see anything to complain about. I'm sure someone will find something though.


I won't ask for a refund. Everyone can have problems! And as long as there is SOMETHING happening, it's ok. PLUSS! If i asked for a refund it might actually SLOW DOWN the proccess, and i don't want THAT! So, keep working on it, and i'll keep supporting you. :)