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Just a general update on things, letting you know progress is still going forward towards the Earth Level demo for this month!

As a reminder, here's what we're planning to get in for this month's update;

  • The remaining two Earth Level enemies just walking around + sex animations for them (no attacks)
  • The game over CG sequence for the Earth Grunt
  • A Faye animation for her sex cutscene for the level (the cutscene itself won't be done, it's just the animations)
  • Background tileset for all three areas completed
  • Art for the broken down save pad
  • The electric charge shot (the attack, not the utility ability you see above)
  • The swamp and swamp environmental trap
  • The ability to import and play user-made maps from the map/cutscene editor
  • If Fuyarinpa or Lewd K. gets more music/SFX done, that'll be in too

It's not a ton, but Frouge is doing the last big chunk of the core engine for Reclaim Reality this month, so yeah, after this it'll be back to huge content pushes in demos as Frouge goes back to just working on RR every so often instead of putting a lot of time towards it.

But it is a lot of new sex content (4 animations, a game over scene, Faye animation) plus some other odds and ends so we do hope that makes up for it and the lack of sex content last month!

For the demo after this, we should be able to get in the beginnings of the Earth Level boss, as well as finish up attacks from all the enemies in the level, have all game over scenes in and possibly voiced too, so expect next month to have a significant content update.

Things have been moving pretty smoothly otherwise though!

As always too, if you'd like to come join in on conversations or ask us things, you can join us at the Discord at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm :)




Keep up the good work.


Good work ^.^ Though is the jump power supposed to be hard to control at the top of it? Kinda feel like she just stops mostly at the top of the jump.

Oscar R. Garcia

Love the amount of work you are putting into the game, it is truly amazing, but I have question, where am I able to receive the demo and or when?


For all the past demos, you can click o the "featured tag" that says "demo" on the left side of the activity feed, and for the demo coming at the end of the month, it too gets posted to the activity feed and sent through Patreon PMs to anyone not currently pledging come July that pledges during June for $5 and up. :)


Yeah, that's intentional, because if you could control her fully, it would break most maps, forcing us to design them really blandly to prevent softlocks etc. It's also primarily supposed to be like a vertical dash, so you aren't supposed to get much forward movement out of it; that's what the Fire Dash is for :P


wanna see some prego talia. it would be more realist, i think. Like after each loop her belly goes bigger or somethin'. possible ?


We unfortunately won't have any pregnancy scenes with her because she's biologically incompatible with the humans of this era, as well as any other enemies not being able to get her pregnant for obvious reasons. Sorry to let you down if that's what you were looking forward to!


Not essential, but still appreciable. Tho, even if not pregnancy, some belly bulgin' ? in the boss scene for Ice Level, it would do nicely i think


That animation's already done unfortunately, so we can't change it too much as-is; I'd have to ask Triangulate about future animations though, as it's primarily his call. :P

ZnelArts Game Dev

The sprite animations are very high quality, I always tried to get good sprites but ended using renders. I was never good with sprite art.