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If you pledged anytime in June and up until now in July (the 9th), and you're any of the following;

- New to the Patreon and pledging $5 or more
- Changed tiers to another tier you'd not pledged at previously before and you're pledging $5 or more

You should have an email in your inbox from hentaiwriterpatreonrewards@gmail.com with the files and/or a questionnaire regarding your reward!

If you're in one of those categories and you DON'T have an email from me, leave me a PM on Patreon or a comment here and I'll see what's going on; more than likely, the email just went into your spam box, so be sure to check there!


Oscar R. Garcia

Yeah I do not seem to find this email in my inbox or spam folder


Yes I don't see this email in my inbox or spam folder either


i do not see an email from hentaiwriter in my inbox or spam


i dont have the email

Jacob Schneider

I don't have an email in my inbox or my spam


No mail for me


I didn't get anything either


My records show I emailed you back on July 7th to the email registered on your Patreon account, I've just re-sent the email as well; if you still don't have it, PM me and we'll figure out what's going on :)


My records show I emailed you back on July 7th to the email registered on your Patreon account, I've just re-sent the email as well; if you still don't have it, PM me and we'll figure out what's going on :)


My records show I emailed you back on July 7th to the email registered on your Patreon account, I've just re-sent the email as well; if you still don't have it, PM me and we'll figure out what's going on :)


Ah, that's because you just pledged 2 hours ago; I'll be sending out another wave of reward emails early next month :)


So you did reply to the $10 tier before, but you never replied to the $5 tier I sent you back in 2017; I've just re-sent that email, and if you still don't have it, PM me and we'll figure out what's going on :)


So you did reply to the $5 tier before, but you never replied to the $10 tier I sent you back in April 2018; I've just re-sent that email, and if you still don't have it, PM me and we'll figure out what's going on :)

Jacob Schneider

Ok, thanks!! I wasn't sure if that was the one you were talking about, or if there was another!


Thanks I received the new email can't wait to try out the demo


Not in my in box or spam


My records show I emailed you back on June 10th to the email registered on your Patreon account, I've just re-sent the email as well; if you still don't have it, PM me and we'll figure out what's going on :)


Is this v0.30 we're talking about or a later one?


I never send demos through emails; they're always on the Activity Feed of the Patreon :) This is in reference to your tier rewards, ex. getting your name in the background, or in the credits, or as a character in a databank, or the soundtrack, or audio pack, or editor, etc.


Didn't get e-mail from you. Please check it out