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If you pledged to the $50 tier this month or ever, and didn't get an email with the updated v0.30 in your email inbox (remember to check your spam!), then let me know in this post or through PMs!

There's two videos in that post as well, and there'll be another two coming later tonight/tomorrow that detail more things about the editor and how to make a basic cutscene, but we've included all the Electric Level maps to experiment with as well as a good deal of readmes, glossaries, etc.

Starting in July too, any maps you make with the editor will be playable in demo builds even if you don't have the editor, you'll be able to pass them around, etc.

For anyone curious about what the videos are like too, I'll be doing much more polished versions of them down the road, but here's the first two we sent out with the emails;

https://vimeo.com/275317427 - Editor Basics
https://vimeo.com/275317176 - Importing/Exporting Map Packages

We've also got a channel on the discord for people to collaborate and discuss how to use the editor, get help from others on the server, share map packages around, etc. and you can join our discord at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm no matter what pledge level you're at!



Still waiting for the email with the editor/demo :| Thanks


I sent all of them off yesterday, so you should have gotten it; just sent you a PM about it :)


Sorry man, I found it :'( Idk why it was signed as "already written", not even in the spam box though.


Realize this is unrelated, but I wanted to say what an amazing job you guys have done with this game. Regardless of the erotic content Future Fragments is a fun and engaging game that I am happy to support. Keep up the fantastic work.


There anyway we could get a controls settings file? Kinda don't want to have to change my settings every time I boot up a new demo.


The controls are setup like that to not save upon re-opening the game just because if you accidentally say, save a controller setup that would prevent you from opening the menus or doing anything or resetting things, you'd have no way of fixing it in the current build. We'll have something like that for the later builds/final game, though!


I meant more along the lines of an actual like external config file that editable via a text editor, but the later stuff works too.