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Hey, just an update on things; for the end of this month, we're mainly adding in a lot of quality of life things or general game features while we continue to prepare a lot of the sex-based aspects.

The biggest one is that we're going to be getting the map injection system in; this will let people who have the map/cutscene editor pass around maps they've made and allow others to play them on the latest demo version, and for the full game!

Besides that, we're aiming to get in the following features too;

  • The "values system" (points in one of seven possible "values" added/subtracted when you do actions in-game or in cutscenes, resulting in your final game ending)
  • Electric utility ability (super jump)
  • Icons on the megamap to show things like databanks and all that
  • More sfx/music (if they get done on the SFX/musician's ends)
  • New charge shot for the Fire Boss Shot (Which you can see above!)
  • New floating tile platforms

We'll keep you up to date though as usual, and if you want to join the Discord, the link's at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm !



Jon P

Those things are all good, but I'm more excited than I have any right to be about the values system getting implemented. Hnnngggg RPG elements are fantastic and this game is awesome and you guys are awesome! ❤️ Woot!


Yeah, I'm really excited about it too, because it'll allow me yet another variable/version of cutscenes to implement :D


So when can we expect the worlds to be together in one demo? I'm kinda really excited for that bit.

halli galli

Looks really good. Fireball added to the other 2 Attacks? Im waiting for the Next Demo, are they new Fuck Scenes too?


This will actually be the first monthly demo in a year with no new sex content; it sucks, but we need to get this stuff in for the future, so we wanted to get it in all in one shot so we'd be able to start utilizing it for future builds!


Well, that actually won't happen until the game's completion; the reason for that is because we're going to go back and bring all the prior levels up to par with the new additions to the game engine once we've gotten them all done at a basic level, as well as creating the "in-between" levels to go between them. So even if you've played all of the Patreon demos, the full game will still have lots of new content :D

Jon P

If you only produced awesome cg & sprite shenanigans FF wouldn't be a game, just a gallery. That'd still be nice, but the game's awesome! Do what you gotta do.




Just found this recently, but the look and the feel of the design is fantastic ^.^ very much looking forward to the completion. Hope to keep testing/bug reporting as I'm able, though I did have a question too (not related to this post specifically, sorry)... While I was testing the electric level demo, the game asked me to screen-cap and email you with some details about method and power-ups used etc., but I've not had word back yet on it being received properly, so just wanted to check that it went through ok ^.^


Glad to hear you're liking it! And yeah I got those emails, I just haven't replied yet but I'm gonna reply soon to everyone in one shot and such :D

Mr. L (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-31 07:38:49 I'm not sure exactly where the general Q&A section is here, but I began patronizing your project the other day, and the work you've done on it is very good, so I wanted to ask, how long has this game currently been in development for?
2018-05-28 06:31:24 I'm not sure exactly where the general Q&A section is here, but I began patronizing your project the other day, and the work you've done on it is very good, so I wanted to ask, how long has this game currently been in development for?

I'm not sure exactly where the general Q&A section is here, but I began patronizing your project the other day, and the work you've done on it is very good, so I wanted to ask, how long has this game currently been in development for?


We started back in January 2015, but our old programmer delayed us by about 7 or so months, so we've been in actual active production just about under 3 years now, should be done by the end of the year/a few months into 2019 :D

Mr. L

Awesome. Well I look forward to it. The work you've all done is really good.


I like how Talia's boobs bounce when she does that!