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Just wanted to drop off these character sheets for Vie, Talia and Faye; if you want to make fanart of them and send it to us through the Discord or messages on here or email (hentaiwriter@gmail.com) then definitely send away!

We'll reblog some of them over time on Tumblr and Twitter and such :)

Here's Faye, though;

And here's Vie!



Angel Girl

Should definitly make her shirt/cape and pants dissappear when her health reaches certain points so when she's close to game over she's running around in bra and panties. Because she looks way hotter without the shirt. I couldn't even imagine taking the pants away too 😍


The problem with doing partial vanishing like this is that Triangulate would need to redraw the thousand+ frames of animation in the game by hand to accommodate that, as the animation in the game uses no pre-made skeletons or clothing framework, etc. (It also breaks the plot, too :P) Sorry!


Allllright, the cat theme Faye's got goin' on there makes her 1000x hotter and her being a redhead was already too much for me to handle...


Mmm... 0.0 is it just me, or does Talia in game look a bit more... Thick. Still, looks amazing and love the characters and designs.


dat Talia from behind <3


The cat theme was actually unintentional, but you'll find out more about that later in the plot :P


Yeah, it's mainly just the design choice in game to make things semi-super-deformed (think 90's era JRPGs, so to speak)


I really like the use of colors. What a bunch of cuties 😍


vie is adorbs


Hmm, also this makes me think how her coat looks like it was supposed to be buttoned up in the front. Maybe someone/something had fun with her before the game even started :3


Vie hair tail is too thin. it's weird. Better rework it or just make her shorthair too like Talia. Ofc it's my personal opinion.


I love the game so far. Keep it up!


Maybe we can choose from diffeent character images?


I think he means like Talia without the cape or Faye without the long hair.


I love doing fan art and ooo itll be fun doing some fan art of them. By the way just played your demo and its awesome. Keep up the good work.


Ahh, yeah unfortunately that would require entire spritesheet redesigns, thousands of frames of animation redrawn, etc. :P

「UNDEAD」 Gearhead

Vie is best girl. I wanted to make it a point to post that and here we are.


It's pretty interesting just how many people like Vie, it's a true case of the "breakout character" effect; <a href="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreakoutCharacter" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreakoutCharacter</a> although we're not going to re-write Vie as the MAIN character, she definitely has gotten a bigger role than we initially planned for her.


Who drew these character sheets?


Talia is best girl in my book, at least she has colored hair, I don't do white or silver hair, maybe pale Violet, but Vie's hair color, but I do like her Russian accent, yet Talia is best girl because I like her overall design, I should know, I have an Associates Degree in Commercial Art, and I appreciate great character design!